Blame the Alcohol

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Disclaimer: I don't own alcohol or Glee.

Kurt was home on a Thursday night. Dalton had a teacher's day the next day, so Kurt went home to spend some time with his family.

The thing was, he was out of his mind with boredom. He didn't know what to do because all his friends couldn't hang out because they had school. Kurt sat up and smiled.

He wondered what Finn was doing right now. He got up and went to his brother's room, knocking softly.

"Finn, open up," he said, knocking again, but he didn't get an answer. He pushed open the door, and the room was empty. Kurt assumed the boy was getting a snack or stalking Rachel.

He went to shut the door, but the computer caught his eye. It was something to do, so he looked down the hall and didn't see the boy, so he went in.

He sat down at the desk and shook the mouse to wake the screen up. He wondered if he could find any blackmail on his brother. He smiled when he saw the background screen. It was a picture of New Directions, excluding him, but including Lauren Zizes. It was win they tied for Sectionals because they were holding the trophy with smiles on their faces. He missed them so much.

He sighed and saw a tab at the bottom of the screen open. He clicked on it without even thinking, and the webpage opened. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he came face-to-face with two extremely naked girls siting on a bed, tongues in each other's mouth. It was disgusting, and Kurt screamed, falling back as the video began to play. "Oh god! Ew, ew! That is disgusting!"

The door flew open, and Finn hurried in. Kurt looked up at his brother, the video was now playing audio of moaning and groaning, and it was really uncomfortable. "What the hell, dude?"

"I'm sorry!" Kurt said as he rubbed his eyes, trying to get the image out of his mind as Finn rushed over to close out of the video. That was something he never ever wanted to see again. "How could you find that attractive? Ew!"

"What are you doing in here?" Finn asked, looking to Kurt. "I always have to ask before coming in your room, but you think it's all right to barge in here and go through my stuff? Some of it is private!"

"Excuse me for the only computer being in your room, Finn," Kurt snapped, standing up and brushing off his clothes. "I was just trying to check my email when that popped up. I don't care what you do in here with that stuff, but the least you could do is close it before you leave. What if that was Carole, or worse, my dad, saw that?"

Finn swallowed loudly. "I was hungry, so I went downstairs for a sandwich. I didn't think you would come out of your room tonight. You're usually talking to your boyfriend."

"He has a name," Kurt shot back, getting annoyed. "It's Blaine, and he's not my boyfriend. I wanted to see if you could keep me busy, plus I overheard you talking to Puck earlier. What's this I hear about a party?"

Finn shrugged sitting down on his bed. "Rachel's dads are going away, and Puck convinced her to throw a party. It's tomorrow night."

Kurt smiled, his Friday just being filled. "Oh that's grand." He clapped his hands together. "I'll have to call and ask Blaine if he can come, but I'm sure we'll be able to make it. We will be riding with you."

Finn raised his hands. "Oh no, you weren't even invited. I'm not taking you and your boyfriend to Rachel's party. I'm not even sure if I'm going."

Kurt sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "Finn, do I need to remind you about what just happened not five minutes ago? I caught you watching lesbian porn. I will tell your mom about it, and about all the browser history that I have seen if you don't take Blaine and me to the party."

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