Born this way

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Disclaimer: I do not own Glee... Though I wish I did

The following Monday, Kurt found himself sitting in Blaine's room after classes. He was trying to help Blaine study for his test on the Civil War that was scheduled for the next day, but Blaine wasn't really into it. Kurt knew that his boyfriend didn't want to study at all. Blaine seemed to have the attention span of a toddler.

"Okay, what was the document that freed all slaves in the states that broke off if they didn't rejoin the union?" Kurt asked. He looked up for an answer.

"The Gettysburg Address?" Blaine guessed. It was obvious that he hadn't even been listening to the question. He was focused on Kurt's face.

"No, the Emancipation Proclamation," Kurt replied as he tried not to roll his eyes. "Blaine, you need to ace this test. If you don't, your grade will drop and you could even be suspended from the Warblers for a week. Your history grade has been heading down ever since we started dating."

Blaine was the one to roll his eyes this time. "I already know all this stuff." He folded his arms across his chest as if it would make his point.

"Then why aren't you getting these answers right?" He studied Blaine with narrow eyes, a look that Blaine wouldn't lie to.

"I can't figure out what color your eyes are," the younger boy admitted, looking down. His cheeks brightened, and Kurt couldn't help but find it adorable.

"They are glasz," Kurt murmured. He looked into Blaine's eyes. "They don't have just one color. Sometimes they are blue with grey and other times they will look green. It depends on the lighting and time or day."

"They are beautiful," Blaine gushed with a smile. "Now that we have that sorted out, can we just go to the Lima Bean and get some coffee?"

Kurt studied Blaine for a minute, the boy had on his best puppy dog face, before giving in. "Fine, but we are going to continue studying afterwards. There's no way I'll let you fail that test tomorrow. I might even reward you for getting answers right if that will help you study."

"Deal." There was a pause, and Kurt frowned. "We should see if any of your friends want to come."

That sounded like an intriguing idea, and he really did miss them, so he pulled out his phone and dialed Mercedes' number. It was a short call. When he hung up, Blaine asked, "Well?"

"Tina, Mercedes and Santana will meet us there in half an hour," Kurt informed him. He stood up and faced a nonmoving Blaine. "Let's go."

Blaine smiled mischievously and held out his arms in front of him. "Help me up?"

Kurt laughed and rolled his eyes. "When did my boyfriend turn into a little kid? What are you five years old?"

"Actually, I'm 7 and you are 8," he said confidently. He took in Kurt's confused look and explained, "Because I'm sixteen which added together equals seven and you are seventeen which put together equals eight."

"Wow, you can do basic math and confuse me all at the same time," Kurt teased. He winked and laced his fingers through Blaine's, but not pulling him up yet.

"Well, you won't think it's funny when I'm twenty-nine and you're thirty. I'll be eleven and you'll be three." Blaine grinned madly, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Well, we'll deal with that when we get there," Kurt muttered. He finally pulled on Blaine hands, and the smaller boy stood to his feet. "You are lucky you're really cute."

"Well, I try," Blaine said. He opened the door and turned to Kurt. "You can drive because I'm too adorable to."

"Of course I'm driving," The taller boy said. He pushed through to the hall and started on his way. "My car has the best music, unlike your Katy Perry and Pink mix CD."

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