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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or being sexy.

The week before Regionals came so quickly for Kurt. It was like the school year was flying by, and there was nothing Kurt could do to stop it. He couldn't believe how fast time flies when you are busy with school work and Warbler practice. Kurt spent all his free time with Blaine, and he wouldn't have it any other way, although he did spend his weekends in Lima with his family and other friends.

They were practicing nonstop at potential numbers for Regionals in the Warblers. Wes was scary when he was in control, and Kurt got to see his dark side. After a Warbler meeting that was cut short, Kurt and Blaine headed to Lima Bean for coffee. He hadn't been there for a couple weeks because their practices have grown long. It was a relief walking in the shop and having the smell of fresh coffee fill his lungs.

Blaine laughed at him as they walked up to the counter. Kurt had been thinking about the Warblers, they were seriously all he ever thought about anymore. "Don't you think it's time for the Warblers to do a Joan Armatrading medley?"

"I'm not so sure people know who that is," Blaine rejected.

Kurt knew that he was probably right. Most boys in the Warblers didn't know who Pattie Lupone was, and that was just a sin. Kurt went to suggest a medley of her when a familiar voice spoke over them. "Well, well, if it isn't my sweet, sweet Porcelain."

Both boys turned, and Kurt saw none other than Coach Sue Sylvester. He really didn't want to deal with her right now. "Coach Sylvester. What are you doing here?" He couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Oh, just picking up some coffee," she answered. "I like my enemas pippin' hot." Blaine looked at her like she was crazy, but she continued. "Actually boys, I heard that this was a Dalton Academy hangout, and I come in a spirit of fellowship. As you no doubt have heard, I have taken over for the coach of Aural Intensity."

"We heard you pushed him down the stairs," Kurt said disapprovingly, remembering Wes telling them about the event earlier in the week.

"Well, you can't prove that," Sue said, and Kurt wasn't surprised by her behavior.

"This is just sort of how she talks," Kurt explained, and Sue kept going.

"So, I happen to have some top-secret Intel. Will Schuester has finally realized that his team's Achilles heel is their utter lack of sex appeal." She started pouring things into her drink, dumping the wrappers in too, and they watched, in disgust, as she took a drink. "New Directions are getting sexy, and the key to Regionals is out-sexing them. And I suspect that the judges are scoring extra for it this year, so, Porcelain, Quid Pro Quo, what do you have for me?"

Blaine looked to Kurt, speechless. "I'm sorry coach, but you and I are not in cahoots."

"Probably should have nailed that down before I gave you my top-secret Intel," the coach said, throwing her straw and putting the lip on her cup. "Porcelain, you just made a powerful enemy." She walked away, leaving them behind. Kurt would always be confused when talking to her.

"We've got to hold an emergency meeting," Blaine announced.

"Why?" Kurt asked, looking to the boy in curiosity.

"Weren't you listening?" Blaine asked, looking at him. "The judges at Regionals have an eye out for something new. Which means, the Warblers gotta do something sexified."

Kurt looked away. He did not want to have anything involved with being sexy. He was not sexy, nor did he know how to be sexy. He didn't know what that would mean, but he sure didn't want to find out.


Kurt sighed as he sat next to Blaine on their drive to the warehouse where they were going to perform at. The Warblers' meeting went totally horribly, and Kurt could do nothing about it. He was so nervous and didn't want to do this at all, even if he had a solo. The one good thing was that he got to perform a duet with Blaine. That was the only reason he actually decided to go. He and Blaine hadn't sung together yet in front of an audience yet.

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