Night of Neglect

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Nope, don't own anything, just an active imagination.

The next month went by super fast for Kurt. He didn't really notice what day it really was, but he didn't mind. He was having the best time he could have. He would wake up to his alarm clock blaring and dragged himself up. He smacked Trent with one of his pillows before taking a shower and styling his hair. He pulled on whatever style of uniform he felt like for the day and was ready to go.

He stood and waited for Trent to finish up, and they would walk to the cafeteria together. After that, they would get breakfast and sit at their regular table. Some days Blaine was already there and others he wasn't. When breakfast was over, Blaine would walk Kurt to his class. Classes would drag on forever, but Kurt would have to take notes to understand anything. The classes got easier after he got the hang of them; he still had the same amount of homework though. The only bad thing was that he barely had free time.

When classes were over, the Warblers would meet in the commons and schedule their next performance, or just joke around. Ever since they had performed at the Gap, the council was more than happy to expand their places to perform. It didn't seem to matter that they lost Regionals; they were all still enthusiastic about it, but it wasn't as strict as before.

After practice, Kurt would haul Blaine to his room and the two would work on their homework, mostly against Blaine's protests. After Trent, Nick, Jeff, or Thad usually joined them, they would play Jeff's Wii or Nick's Xbox. When it was Kurt's choice, he suggested they could watch movies just so he could curl up into Blaine's side and snuggle with him. That resulted in groans from all the boys.

Being together with Blaine wasn't very different than being friends with him. They knew everything about each other, so they didn't have to worry about learning anything new. Kurt did have to admit that he really liked being able to kiss Blaine good morning and good night every day. He also loved being able to call and talk, well whisper, to Blaine when he had a bad dream or couldn't fall asleep. It was a completely different feeling, and he loved every minute of it.

Kurt hadn't seen his friends at McKinley in weeks, but they still texted him. He was bitter that they won Regionals, but happy for them. He actually was talking to Rachel and she invited him and Blaine to the upcoming Night of Neglect benefit they were holding. Apparently they needed money to go to New York for Nationals, so he was happy to help.

Kurt felt a hand on his side, running to the middle of his back. He shook himself out of his thoughts, turning his head to see Blaine lying his head on his chest. They were currently watching Hairspray on Kurt's bed. "Blaine?"

"Hmm?" Blaine hummed, moving his face so it was buried in Kurt's neck.

"You know that the TV is that way, right? You won't be seeing Seaweed sing 'Run and Tell That' if you have your head in my neck."

"Don't care," he murmured, smiling against Kurt's neck. "I like my view so much better."

Kurt rolled his eyes, but squeezed his arms around Blaine in a hug. "Blaine, we really should watch the movie. If Trent walks in and sees us like this, he'll make a big fuss. Remember the last time he walked in on us kissing?"

Blaine laughed. Kurt and Blaine sorta got lost in each other, and Trent walked in. Trent had made such a big deal about it that for the next week he never let them be alone. He followed Kurt around everywhere. He was like Kurt's father.

"Trent won't be back for a while," Blaine pointed out, leaning forward and kissing Kurt's neck softly.

"You are unbelievable, "Kurt said, focusing on the movie. He was not going to give into Blaine. He had before and it wasn't good.

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