(Vol 1) Chapter 4: The talk

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Scene moves to next day, as the sun started to rise, Y/N was doing hand stand push ups, as Cachari started to wake up only to see him doing the hand stands.

Cachari: Dude, it's 6:30 in the morning. Why are you awake?

Y/N: I always wake up at 6, woke up... 20 minutes... late.

Cachari: Dude nobody cares! Go back to sleep!

Y/N completely ignored what he said and kept doing them with Cacharin falling asleep. Half an hour passes as Athena stretches waking up and looks forward seeing Y/N still doing them.

Athena: Are you flexing for me?

Y/N: No.

Athena: Aww. Anyway-

She looks to her right seeing Cachari looking down.

Cachari: He's been like this for 40 minutes.

Athena: Oh.

From the door, Erwin appeared dressed and everything drinking coffee.

Y/N: I get judged? What about your brother, Cachari?

Cachari: Why would I judge him?

Y/N: He doesn't sleep!

Cachari: He does sleep!

Erwin: I actually do not-

Cachari: That's not the point.

Y/N gets on his feet and looks at Cachari.

Y/N: Can't you take a person preparing his own body. These exercises favor me and my Semblance very well.

Cachari: *annoyed* How so?

Y/N: I absorb damage and I turned that into power. By exercising, I break my muscles tissues, and that damage makes my Semblance more powerful. At least powerful enough to not get weaker.

He starts to walk to the bathroom as Cachari groans.

Cachari: Some times he just ticks me off.

Scene again time skips as the other three were fully dressed. They were wearing their Beacon uniforms only with slight adjustments: Y/N wasn't wearing the tie and had his gloves still, Athena had leggings under her skirt, Cachari had the jacket open and Erwin... Erwin stayed the same.

Athena: Now! Let's decorate!

She looked at the boys, Cacharri whistled, Erwin had a nervous face and Y/N just looked away with arms crossed. She quickly picked up the message.

Athena: Don't tell me I'm the only one who brought some of their stuff.

Cachari: Well... no not really.

Erwin: We had too much stuff.

Athena: You boys truly are minimalist.

She runs all around the room as she stops, having decorated the entire room with her stuff in a very... organized... way to organized.

Athena: Done!

The three boys look in confusion but Erwin looks at Athena,

Erwin: What did you bring in your bag?

Athena: Half my stuff.

Erwin: What?!

Athena: Chill-ax. The biggest things are back home. Besides, I don't have a lot of stuff.

Erwin doesn't answer as Athena smiled.

Athena: All right! To class!

She marched as Erwin followed her with Y/N behind him unamused but Cachari had a disappointed face.

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