(D&N) Chapter 10: The fight

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Yang: He knew my mom.

Yang took a step back and walked away as Ruby went to get her, as Athena looks at the camera after watching Yang leave. Yang was in a hallway and leaned looking down.

???: Yang?

She looks back at Ruby who was very worried.

Yang: I'm fine, Ruby. I just...

Ruby: Do you want to talk about it?

Yang still looks at her and later looks down, dropping actually a tear.

Yang: He knew my mom. He knew her and didn't tell anything. She is in Forever Fall, I can go there and meet her right here and now!

Ruby: That's in his head, she's probably not in the forest, Professor Peach would've never taken us there.

Yang: But that's what he remembers, what are the chances she is there?! I can try and-

Ruby: Yang. *she grabs her hand as Yang looks at her* She isn't on Forever Fall... she isn't.

Yang looks at her and later shows more tears.

Yang: If I could... just know why. Summer was our mother but... that woman is my biological mother, and she left for no reason... I just want to know why.

Ruby looks away as Yang looks at her.

Yang: Ruby?

Ruby: Hmm?

Yang: How long you think... I can keep this... act... this façade?

Ruby looks at her with a sad face.

Ruby: I don't know.

Yang looks down as Ruby walks away with Yang having her back head in a wall. Scene shows Blake looking eye to eye with Raven who had her sword sheathed.

Blake: Should I know who you are?

Raven: Even resembling your friend you don't know?

Blake: I know you look like Yang. That means you're her mother?

Raven: Maybe I am... or was.

Blake: Was?

Raven: She hasn't told you hasn't she? The girl's issue, she really can't be alone, can she?

Blake: You're saying she has abandonment issues?

Raven: You can say that? Technically she's motherless... I say it's for the best.

Blake: You left Yang? You abandoned her? Her father?

Raven: Ironic... didn't you leave yours?

Blake: I left-

Raven: A coward. You didn't leave, you ran away like a coward. I ran away to keep her safe from the evils of Remnant.

Blake: Evils?

Raven after that laughs a little as she walks back to her tent.

Raven: You're still that naïve even after leaving them. You told Ruby the world isn't like the books, you sees it in dark colors. There's black, grey and tons of red in it. You want to save him... I say just give up and leave him... you already did that once.

Raven walks to her tent as Blake sighs and walks away from the tents. She is now in Forever Fall as she got to run looking around. Scene shows Erwin seated doing some drawing in the table, from what he saw from Blake's POV. Ruby popped her head from the side seeing Erwin.

Ruby: Watcha doing?

Erwin: Drawing Y/N's dream. If one of us have to go there, we should at least know where we would be going.

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