(D&N) Chapter 14: The Brother

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Scene shows to Yang carrying Erwin who was bleeding while Shion and Ozpin helped Cachari towards a bed. Erwin was set down in a bed breathing heavily, as a doctor grabs his scroll and checks his organs, luckily no organ was damaged, it was Erwin who isn't used to this much pain and being in shock.

Yang: Doctor?

Doctor: His organs are fine, but he is in a state of shock and the sooner we close the injury the faster the shock will stop.

Yang: Oh thank god.

The doctor grabs a needle injecting it in him, it was anesthesia, to help him sleep. Ruby entered the room shyly as the doctor worked on to close his injury.

Doctor: I think it's better for me to do this without company.

Ruby: But-

Yang grabs her sister's hand who looks at her.

Doctor: You have my word that he will be okay.

Ruby looked at the doctor and then at Yang who nods at him.

Yang: We should get you checked up, Ruby.

Ruby looks down, as scene moves to Athena outside using her scroll, she looked dead and even dead... sad. She sighs swiping photos, one of them showed her and Sun smiling, in the back was Y/N eating as she looks down and turns the scroll off. Later a shadow covers her, she saw the spiky hair and horns... just like Y/N. She looks shocked and looks back expecting to see him... but it wasn't him. She looked in a bit of shock seeing a mask... one that resembled a Grimm and also the sword.

???: Where is he?

Scene shows to Blake looking through the window seeing them work on Cachari, as Weiss joined.

Weiss: Did you hear anything?

Blake: His back isn't completely broke, his aura took most the damage but without a specific operation, his aura will heal the vertebrae in the wrong place, and he will never move his legs again.

Weiss: Will they perform it?

Blake: Cachari has allowed them to do whatever it takes to walk again.

Weiss nods as she sighs, as Yang walks out of a room.

Weiss: How's Ruby?

Yang: She's... the tendrils left some marks in her neck, nothing that some simple aura can heal, but...

Weiss: But what?

Yang: The doctors believe she might suffer from... Tanatophobia. Her time being choked to death by the tendrils and watching me being helpless has left her with some fear of dying.

She looks down and puts a hand in her wrist.

Yang: She watched me not being able to save her... and I was so helpless... she could've died there.

Weiss and Blake had sympathetic looks with Yang closing her eyes.

Yang: I think... I screwed up... big time.

They hear heavy steps, as the three girls look at that certain direction, but Blake heard the sword moving, and saw Athena walk forward a bit worried, as Blake grabs her weapon afraid, the other girls seeing her reaction looked... they saw someone who looked just like Y/N, but leaner... and taller with a White Fang mask... it's him.

Weiss: He looks... just like...

Blake: Adam...

The two girls looked at her seeing her scared face.

Blake: That's Adam... Y/N's older brother.

They looked in shock as Athena ran back as Adam looked around but he clearly saw Blake.

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