(Vol 1) Chapter 6: Forever Fall

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This chapter contains death events as well and a very depressing tone.

Athena was seated in a bench with Y/N by her side, as she puts a blanket around him as she actually went and brought him a bit of green tea, as he grabs it with both hands and kept looking down.

Athena: You've died before?

Y/N: Yeah.

Athena: How... did it feel?

Y/N closes his eyes, as scene shows a bloodied Y/N, but still a kid.

Y/N: *voice* Everything was dark... cold... I couldn't feel anything. People say they see a light when they start to die, I did too... but when I was getting closer, the light was going out... faster than what I could get closer. When it all went black, I saw my brother.

Scene shows a fairly young Adam shedding unstoppable tears as he hugged the resurrected Y/N.

Y/N: *voice* His left eye was burnt with hot metal... a scar... the last tears he shed was from when I came back to life. But even then... I should've died.

Scene returns to the two as Y/N looked his reflection through the tea.

Y/N: He said I stayed dead for almost 20 minutes... it should be impossible, I should've stayed dead after the first 10 minutes. But I was brought back... but I could feel it... I was different.

Athena: Maybe dust was used?

Y/N: No, it was either my own will or Adam did something. But... after that... and with the training I got. I barely feel mortal anymore.

He drinks a bit from the tea as Athena had a sympathetic look.

Athena: If the Schnee's did this to you, at least Jacques, why target his daughter?

Y/N: She has his blood in her veins, still she must've known what he did, as well as her older sister, brother and the alcoholic mother. I was born a Faunus and... this is what we get? My brother taking a heated iron for me? Tortured and pushed to work? Kill our parents as a warning?

He puts his tea down and massages his hands, as he had a painful look.

Y/N: Adam and I were treated pure animals, we wanted to have a life, so... I joined the White Fang, it was supposed to be a movement for equality, but even outside of Atlas, people hated us.

He slowly removes his glove as Athena looks at the top of his hand, as she looks in shock and puts a hand in her mouth in shock.

Y/N: This is what I get... for being a Faunus... what my... brother got, by being it.

Athena: Does your other hand-

Y/N: It has...

He pulls his hand away and puts the glove on while grabbing the tea.

Y/N: Her family made mine suffer, she demanda to be better, but she doesn't deserve it... her family doesn't deserve to live, I will destroy it the same way they destroyed mine.

Athena: You're gonna kill her?

Y/N: When the time comes, when she tells the truth to everyone, I will let them know what she said, and I'll kill her. That's what I trained for, getting back to life gave me a second chance, and I'm not gonna waste it. Her family will die, they have sinned too long, and I refuse to miss the shot again.

Y/N just slowly drinks his tea as Athena looks down.

Athena: I can't stop you from doing what you want to do, but please... think of another way.

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