(Vol 1) Chapter 5: Racism

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Cardin was fighting Jaune which Cardin was winning by a landslide. Jaune was now tired with Cardin being completely neutral. Jaune rushes towards Cardin, but Cardin dodges and hits his shield but even with that makes Jaune drop it and send Jaune to no man's land. Jaune stands up and clashes with Cardin, which he blocks easily.

Cardin: This is the part, where you lose.

Jaune: Over my dead *grunt*

Cardin knees him in the manhood. Jaune falls to the ground with Cardin ready to give him the last swing, Jaune looked at him, but the lights turned on and a 'stop' sound was made.

Glynda: Cardin, that's enough.

Cardin takes a few steps back with Glynda walking to the front.

Glynda: Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match.

Jaune looks at Pyrrha which she had a sad face, while Glynda look at Jaune a little annoyed with him not improvising.

Glynda: Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself.

Cardin walks away. Everyone was excited for the Vytal Tournament, Y/N wasn't so much.

Glynda: Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale! We have time for one more match, any volunteers?

Two hands were raised, showing Yang and... Y/N. The two realized who they were going to fight, but Glynda was but satisfied.

Glynda: Okay, get ready you two.

Yang: Okay, any suggestions on how to beat him? Blake?

Blake looks at her and looks down, but later looks at Yang.

Blake: I have one.

Yang: All right, let's hear it.

Blake: Don't fight him, he'll eventually win.

She walks away as they look at Blake in shock.

Yang: What a tip, Blake!

She looks at Y/N walk toward the amphitheater as she frowns.

Yang: She really is scared of that guy, wonder why.

Scene time skip to Y/N and Yang who were face to face, but also both in their fighting stance, which was roughly the same.

Glynda: Begin.

Yang quickly activated her weapons and launched herself towards Y/N who got fairly defensive as she went for a straight punch at him which he moved and later a spinning hook hick and a spinning back kick with Y/N still dodging, as he blocks a left hook and later catches her right wrist and punched her in the face. She shot at him which he dodged point blank and he dashed, grabbing both wrists of her and later knees her stomach. He elbows her side face but she shot down, making him lose grip and she makes a backflip, just to land on her feet and scoffs smiling.

Yang: That was a few nice few hits.

Yang dashed at him as she swings at him a few times and later straight punches which he blocks just to go for a push kick to her face... but it was a bate, the kick went to her knee and later that same kick to her face. She groans as Y/N leaps and goes to stomp her, which she dodges. She gets up and manages to connect a blow to his face, making him fall in his back but quickly gets up seeing Yang go for a smash attack, but he leaps and uppercuts her jaw, punching through her attack and later both land. He later runs to Yang in the ground as she moves from a punch as he blocks a few kicks and he goes for a spinning air kick which she ducks and goes to kick him up, but he blocks it with his knee and lands a bit back until Yang corners him and goes for a barrage of attacks, but even with minimum space, he blocks them, a parry, a block, arms and legs, as one of her kicks, he blocks it and kicks her other leg as he grabbed her hair.

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