(D&N) Chapter 12: Train Fight

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Scene shows Yang crying bullets after seeing her hair. Ruby sighs seeing her as the brothers were left uncomfortable.

Erwin: Is she...

Ruby: I think she's going through depression, a mid life crisis and possibly angry thoughts... times ten.

Erwin: Oh.

Yang: How could this happen to me?! *cries none stop* My sweet hair, my beautiful golden locks all gone!

Ruby: Yang... this is a dream, is not real.

Yang: Still! Can't believe he thinks I would cut my hair!

Ruby: Well... you do look cleaner.

Yang's jaw dropped and her head popped after that very comically as Cachari giggled as Erwin looked away holding so much his laugh. Yang glared at them as she grabbed Cachari's hair and eyes red.

Yang: You think it's funny?! Want me to leave you bald?!

Cachari: I already *snorts* shaved my entire hair.

Ruby who was trying to hold her laugh giggled, until Yang glared at her, literally going through her head. Ruby's smile disappeared and gulped.

Ruby: Uh oh.

Erwin: All right. I think we had maybe... *covers his mouth* had a lot of fun.

Yang: This is torture!

Ruby: Nah! All right, let's get moving.

Cachari: Let's first count our coins. Blake had 4, do we all have four or one.

They put their hands in their pockets with the four showing four coins.

Erwin: Four, we have 16 in total. Let's use the same strategy Blake used. Contact lenses.

Ruby gulps as they look at her.

Ruby: Can I... not put them?

Erwin: But we need the others to know our moves.

Ruby: So I'll stay close to Yang.

Yang: No, no, he's right. We need them to learn we find Y/N. So come on.

Ruby: Ugh, fine.

Erwin flipped the coin and 8 contact fell in his hand, as everyone was in a circle.

Erwin: Everyone pick two.

They do as he says, as Erwin puts them as well as Cachari comfortably.

Yang: It's been a while.

She puts them slowly but correctly... Ruby scared goes to throw them away but Erwin grabbed her wrist.

Erwin: Ruby, you have to put them on.

Ruby: But they're so weird, what do they feel like? How hard will it be to take them out? Can't we use some cameras in our chest?

Erwin: Come on, is not that bad. You won't feel anything.

Ruby: They all say that, and when they say that means IS THE WORST FEELING!!!

Yang: No he's right, they don't feel anything. Why do you think I wear them every time in Halloween.

Ruby: You mean every time you ditch my birthday?

Erwin: Look, if I put them for you, will you be okay?

Ruby groans worried and sighs.

Ruby: Fine.

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