Camping is fun....more as a gang.

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Hey guys

So here are the roles of each gang member.

1) Diandra is the member who takes care of the strategies and all different things related to computers so its obvious she's a hacker, a computer expert. She also is a fighter in underground fighting clubs and is a champion who never loosed a fight.
2) Dian is one to take care of weapons and stuff for the fights that the gang has and is also an underground fighter.

3) Jo is the spy who goes in disguise and all to other gangs for information and stuff. And is NOT an underground fighting well enough. He also has a good target like the rest of them so it's obvious that they all use guns.

4) Aiden is the master mind for backup plans and is also an computer expert like Diandra. And also an underground fighter.

5) Con is an expert in setting traps during fights and is also an underground fighter.

Diandras POV

The plane was landing and we were inside the airport looking at it. It was about to land but suddenly the tire burst and the plane got off balance.

"Mom! Dad!" We all screamed running towards the plane. We were about to get there whe the plane exploded.

I got up with a start and someone was rubbing my back. I was covered in cold sweat. I looked up to Dian smiling sadly down at me. I slowly sat up. He sat up after me and rubbed my back gently again. I saw that the rest of the boys were awake too and were looking at me worried. Jo was holding my hand. And Con sitting to my right with his hand on my knee. Aiden was to my left with a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay princess?" Dian asked.

"Y-yeah" I said.

"You sure sunshine? You look quite pale" Jo said.

"I-I'm fine" I said.

"It was about the plane crash wasn't it Dove?" Aiden asked.

I nodded sadly. Tears filling my eyes. Dian took me in his arms and I cried into his chest. He kissed my forehead and said it was ok and that made me feel a whole lot better and when Aiden said it I knew I had the boys with me. And I knew for a fact that they would never let anyone hurt me. All my worries vanished and I smiled at them.

"Its ok guys I'm fine. Thanks" I said.

"Sooo.... I see that this doofus here finally confessed to you huh?" Aiden said and I blushed.

"Man! I thought you had no balls!" Jo said.

"Yeah cause you have balls the size of peas" Dian retorted. We all burst out laughing.

"Hey guys why don't we explore the cliff now that we're here? We can ago further into the forests!" I exclaimed.

They all agreed with chorus 'yeahs'. We got out of the tent and started walking towards the forest. We were walking through the forest when I heard something or someone move in the bushes behind us. I signaled the boys to stop. And I cautiously turned around.

Out of nowhere a man wearing complete black clothes jumped out of the bushes. I had expected something like that so I got ready to deal with him. He took out a knife from his pocket and swung it at me. And being the champion fighter that I am, I deflected it. I caught his arm and got behind him pressing his knife against his throat and putting his other hand behind his back so he couldn't move.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Huh why do you think I will tell you huh?" He said.

I got back in front of him but before he could do anything I knocked him out. The boys came forward and investigated him. Dian took out another pocket knife and Aiden took out a radio phone. My eyes widened.

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