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I woke up to see that I was no longer on the couch, and before you start assuming, no I was not on the bed because Dian carried me and put me there and then either slept next to me or on the couch outside. I was on the floor, with Con on the other couch to my left and Jo to my right on the floor with me. I looked around and saw that Dian was on floor as well but besides Jo.

I sighed and smirked at our stupidity and got up. After brushing myself off, I headed to the kitchen and started making pancakes.

It was 12:00am till I finished and the boys were still sleeping so I decided to prank. I slowly walked into the bedroom and saw Aiden sleeping peacefully on the bed.

I grabbed a marker from a drawer nearby and started my masterpiece on his face. After I was done with that, I walked into the living room and started screaming to the top of my lungs.
"Fire! Fire! There's a fire in the house! Quick get up!"

All the three of them and woke up with a start and looked around for fire and soon realised that I was lying because I burst out laughing at their panicked state and they glared at me.

I finally got control of my laughing fit but not for too long because as soon as Aiden came out and said 'What's all the commotion about?' With my masterpiece on his face...we all burst out laughing and laughed harder than I had, a while ago.

Aiden frowned and walked up to the mirror, only to turn around and glare at me like lazers would shoot out of his eyes and kill me.

"Oh I'm gonna get you back for this Dove!" He said and started chasing me around the house like a maniac.

We reached the kitchen and he accidentally sprayed water on me but I dodged it and all the water fell on Jo, who was anyways coming to drink some water in the kitchen I guess.

Jo decided on pay back and that's how we all had a water fight till 1:00pm and the breakfast was long forgotten.

After we finished our water fight, we decided to go out for lunch because we were too lazy to make some and we had even thrown food around during our water fight so we ran out ingredients to make anything decent.

We went to a restaurant next to the coffee shop we had been at a few days ago. We sat at the table wguch was in the corner of the restaurant.

We ordered our lunch and waited for it to come. I glanced out the glass of the restaurant and saw the busy streets of Canada. Something caught my eye and my eyes widened, I shot out of my chair and ignored the curious glances.

"Everyone get out of the restaurant now! Out everyone! Get out!" I yelled and the people started rushing out.

The boys knew there was something wrong so they started helping me in getting everyone out of the restaurant. Once everyone was out, we were about to head out when I heard the bullet being fired and I guess I was the target because the bullet hit my arm and it started bleeding furiously.

The person was still shooting but luckily we missed their shots and got out of there as soon as possible.

Once we got into our car we drive off to the hotel.

I got into our room and Dian immediately led me to the bedroom. Aiden ran untobthe washroom to get the first aid and Con ran into the kitchen to get water. Jo came with me to the bedroom.

They made me sit on the bed and Com gave me some water. Aiden got to work on removing the bullet. We couldn't go to the hospital because we would be questioned and we were used to such situations so it was fine.

I guess this time the bullet went deeper because it hurt like a bitch when it was half way out. After a few minutes Aiden finally got it out and relief washed through me.

He put on the bandage and used a cloth to let my arm rest in. You know when you get a fracture? Yeah like that.

The boys finally relaxed.

"Guys chill its ok. It has happened before. Nothing new I'll be fine" I said. Attempting to calm them down.

"He has crossed all his limits now." Aiden growled.

"He doesn't want just a fight this time...he's calling a war for himself" Con said in a bitter tone.
"Well then thats what he's gonna get" Jo said.

"We'll see guys. We'll think of what to do but for now we all need rest so we should rest" I said.

They all nodded and went out, except Dian. He laid down beside me and pulled me into his arms. All the while being careful of not hurting my hand.

We all slept the night off and I wondered what the next day had in store for us...

I just hope that whatever it should not be bad for us.

Something tells me that this fight won't be normal like any other we had, this is going to cost us our lives and relationship.

I am ready to do anything to keep the boys safe from harms way. I just don't want them to get hurt. I want them safe and sound.

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