Your Out

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We got into Cons car and drove off to where we saw them first. After a drive of 20 minutes we reached the abandoned building's and walked inside. Our car was parked just round the corner of it...just incase.

We entered the dark corridor and soon enough we were in the same room we had discovered before.

The place was completely silent so I slowly walked to the door that we had not entered that day. I opened it enough so that if anyone is there inside would not notice but I could get enough view inside.

The room was dark, with a huge oval shaped table and six chairs surrounding it sufficiently. The room was empty but after a good 2 minutes of looking around I saw a small locker at the corner of the room. Making sure that there was no one inside, I walked in and towards the locker.

It was a surprise that the locker was open but then again, they thought we won't find out their location. Huh! Overconfident much?

I searched through the locker and found some kind of documents. And didn't think much of it but still took pictures of all the pages.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jo inspecting the place and he bent down at one of the chairs, only to come up with an USB in his hand. They might have unconsciously dropped it while leaving or something.

I walked over to him and glanced at it.

"What do you think it is about?" I asked him.

"Maybe it has sime information on whatever they are planning?" He replied. I nodded and he put it in his pocket.

Just then Con walked in with Dian just by his side and Aiden in front of them both and Aiden had some kind of documents in his hand.

"We found some documents that might be of some use to us" Dian said.

"It looks like it's some kind of agreement" Aiden said.

"So that's all we found out and can we take all of this and leave before they come and feast on us?" Con asked.

"No" I quickly replied and walked up to Aiden. I took the documents out of his hand and took pictures of all the pages. After I was done with that I handes them back to him.

"He still shouldn't have a doubt on us so that we have time to find out what he is up to. It shouldn't seem like anyone has been through his items at all and as for the USB. He won't notice because in his eyes it was anyways lost by him and we can keep it back if we come back here" I clarified.

Con went to keep the documents back from where they had brought it and Jo told Dian and Aiden about the USB.

After we were done with all of that, we left the building and headed out.

Just as we were about to round the corner to our car, we saw 2 men next to it so we quickly got back and listened.
"Dude! Isn't it their car?!" One guy spoke to the other.

"Yeah man! But what is it doing here?!" The other one replied.

Judging by Dians face, I bet he got an idea. He quickly pulled us all towards a small shop on the other side of the road without the men noticing. Neither had I ever noticed that shop before. How did it appear?

We entered the shop and Dian immediately pulled us behind an aisel. As for the shopkeeper? Well...I don't think people mostly visit this place cause he was snoring with a magazine over his face.

"Ok so let's pretend like we came to buy something and are heading out k? And as for the question 'why would anyone come to shop like this in the middle of nowhere when there are a dozen shops in the city?' Lets just say we're curious human beings" he said winking at us. We all smiled and nodded.

After waiting for a few minutes we headed out like casual people.

"Man! Seriously there was nothing interesting in there! I thought shops like these in the middle of nowhere would have something interesting!" Jo exclaimed.

"I know right? It was a waste of time!" I agreed.

"Come on! Let's just go back home!" Dian said.

"Yeah! Let's" Con agreed and with that we faced our car in time to see the men quickly run inside the building. I bet they heard our conversation and that should convince them enough.

We all piled into our car and drobe off to the hotel. Once we got there we immediately went to sleep.

Ok I admit we sleep in quite a funny way.

Aiden was occupying the bed, Con was sprawled on one of the couches and Jo on the soft carpet. Dian was on the other long couch and me on top of him.

You might think that the boys would offer us the bed just because we're a couple and we need our privacy after one heck of a day and all that shit. But we didn't really care because we all loved spending time with each other more than anything. And as for us, the boys wouldn't mind if me and Dian made out in front of them.

Let's just say that it would take a lot more than a knife itself to separate us because we love each other to death.

That is why even in school no one messes with us because they know for a fact that we are inseparable.

I just hope that we remain the same way till the end. I trust and love the boys more than anything and I wouldn't give them for anything in the world.

I hope the boys love and trust me as much.

I hope for the best.

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