Much better...

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I woke up to the sun raise filling the room and the sounds of the traffic outside. I looked around to see that Dian was no longer beside me so I slowly got up. I immediately winced and fell back into bed when pain shot through my arm.

I heard footsteps running into the room but I couldn't take my head up see because the pain was holding me back from any movement. My whole body felt numb. Before I knew it I was being held into someone's arms. I looked up to see Aiden hold me in his arms. Jolts of electricity shot through my body. I felt them with Dian too....these are much stronger and...livelier. I know I have always felt this feeling with him...and I have always liked it....a lot. I gave him a smile. Aiden helped me sit up.

"How you feeling now Dove?" He asked while holding my hand. The tingles were still alive. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Much better." I muttered.

He nodded his head and just then Dian walked in with breakfast in a tray. I smiled at him and he set the tray down before me. He pecked my lips and I saw hurt flash through Aidens eyes. I gave him an apologizing look because we have to do this....there's no other choice.

"How you doing Princess?" Dian asked. I nodded my head at him.

"Fine." I didn't feel the tingles that I felt with Aiden.

Suddenly Dians phone rang and he took it out to check it. He frowned at the screen and looked up. He sent me an apologetic smile.

"This one's important, I'll be back." He said and left.

He left the room and answered the call. But I didn't understand why he had to do so because we never kept secrets from each other. We always shared our problems with each other. But I just shrugged it off. I went to pick up my tray but my ahnd hurt like a bitch. Aiden held me back and picked up the tray,setting it in his lap. He picked up the spoon and filled it with some soup. He blew on it before bringing it to my mouth. I smiled and ate it. He fed me till the soup was over.

"Thank you Aiden." I said as he wiped my mouth gently with the tissue. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. Again came those tingles and this time stronger, almost making me flinch back.

He pulled back just as Dian came in. Dian looked at me and then down to the soup and nodded.

"I see your done with the soup." He said and took my tray and headed out.

I looked to Aiden and we both had a confused expression on before they turned into smiles. You ask me why? Well that's for me to know and for you to find out.

I got out of bed and walked out to the living room with Aiden. There I saw Con and Jo sitting on the couch and watching tv. They noticed me and I nodded towards them. They understood my message and started acting normal again.

I went and sat down next to Jo and Aiden sat down on the floor in front of me with his back to the couch. I put my each of my legs on either side of his shoulder and he started drawing patterns on the base of my foot.

Dian walked in and sat down on the other couch. He smiled brightly at us and we returned the gesture.

"So! What do we do today?!" He asked.

"I know! Why don't we to tge Eifell tower?!" Jo said. I burst out laughing. He frowned at me and the others were trying their best to hold in their laughter but miserably failed.

"J-jo h-how did the Eifell tower c-come here? D-did you bring it with y-you here?" I managed in between my laughter. He frowned before finally realising for a fact that we're not Paris but in Canada.

We finally calmed down and decided to watch movies for the day because we are to lazy to go out and as for me, my hand is in absolute NO condition to have a happy holiday.

Dian went into the kitchen to bring snacks and Con went with him to get the drinks, seeing as to we eat a lot and there is only much one person can carry at a time. And if you say that we can go get mkre more once we're done then you already know how lazy we are.

After Con and Dian were done with the snacks they came out with them and set them on the table. They plopped back down in their places.

After an argument of 30 minutes we finally decided on watching 'Avengers The Age Of Ultron'. We all sat back in our places and startes watching the movie.

2 hours later.

The movie got over and by now we all had changed our places. Aiden was sitting at the right arm rest of the couch with me to his left and Jo to my right. Dian is sitting om the floor in front of me and Con to his left, in front of Aiden.

My head is resting in Aidens lap and my legs in Jos lap. My eyes were drooping and I was trying my best not to fall asleep but I couldn't help it. Soon I fell asleep in Aidens and Jos arms.



Hey guys.

Please vote as you read if you liked the strory. Do vote for all chapters. I will need the votes encouragement to keep writing. I wont be updating chapters for a while because I want to update the other stories too and I need more juicy ideas for this one

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