Another Party?

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And they start talking about a party that is going on that evening. One looks over at me and asks if I am going. I have not heard about a party, and they laugh "Someone as beautiful as you have yet to be invited? This party has been planned for some time to welcome new people to the area and you are the newest of the new. Food, drinking and dancing!" I blush and smile and hold up my foot to show my bandaged foot. "Well, you don't have to dance or walk I am sure we can find a way to get you there even if we have to throw you over our shoulder and carry you." I like the idea of being invited fully to the party. "Who is throwing the party? Maybe I can meet them before going to be sure I'd be accepted." They tell me its M'rang, K'rock and G'quan. And they can introduce me they are friends, and we can all meet their chosen. "Oh, is she going to be there? I wonder what she is like?" "I hear they are pretty but not very nice." Oh, they. Maybe they are wrong, or they haven't heard the news. And they show me a message on their communicators of the information it came today and had the other's names and photos.

I agree to them maybe I should go. So, I agree to them after finding out when and where. So, I head back to my room to shower. After a shower K'rock knocks and I answer here is the chance he has to say something to me to invite me or other. But nothing he wants to know if I need anything before the evening, they will be busy all evening. I guess I am not invited. I even check my messages with nothing about this party! It hurts to once again be ignored. But I will go to this party and have fun. As long as it goes better than last night. I get a new dress with Markus' help. He lets me know how it was M'rang and K'rock who had him help with my devices. I let him know I appreciate it. I ask him about the party, and he admits it's been planned for quite the time. And that everyone on the palace is invited and unless some emergency they are required. I tell him I was not invited he thinks it was an oversight that I am expected to be there. Once again it hurts to be forgotten. I will make my own place here.

The party had been planned for a few months well since the 'breeder' was purchased. They had wanted to introduce her to everyone as their mate. The former betrothed had sent out invitations just today to be sure to invite almost everyone hoping Kathleen had at least heard about it. They had not sent it to the upper ranks, so they didn't see it. The food was purchased, and seating set up. The formers had set up the seating plan rearranging it last minute remembering to set a few places open and set Kathleen far away so she could see them sitting up there with K'rock, M'rang, and G'quan. Maybe she wouldn't even dare to show her face. However, the music was supposed to be a mix of her music likes and more traditional music. 

Kat had finished getting ready for the party she contacted the men from earlier to see if they were still interested in going with her of course they were more than happy to get the message. As they came to her room and saw her dressed in a beautiful purple dress that made her hips stand out and some of those breasts, they did not fully understand but looked amazing. The men were dressed in suits that complimented their skin tones and fit them really well. They escorted her to the party. They had brought something similar to an Earth wheelchair however she could not grasp the full maneuvers of the device. The two men decided to take turns with pushing her. They were official high ranking from another planet. As they came in there were lots of people they were shown to their seats. As they were seated drinks were brought. The music was playing a more traditional song that had just ended and a song started 'No Scrubs' TLC. Kathleen thought it was odd to play a song like this and why the hell this one? 

The decorations were amazing.  The tapestries were on the walls showing scenes of nature, and aliens in armor, with weapons on the side.  The tables were set up beautifully.  Flowers and lanterns on all the tables.   The tables were small and round, six people to a table.  About 100 some tables.  One big, long rectangular table at the front of the hall.  At which sat K'rock, M'rang, and G'quan and the infamous bitches.  They seemed so happy laughing and joking with one another.  The subtle touches the females were giving to them and the way nothing was being done.  They seemed to ignore it or accept it.  It hurt more than I would ever admit to.  Knowing they had promised so much more to me.  I thought there was a connection with.  I thought maybe with what had happened earlier meant more to him or at least something.  I was wrong, I guess.

First, she came to our planet and was to take their place! They had tricked and swindled, bribed even framed other women to get rid of the competition. Now her? And their men were saying it was over for them! They were choosing this one for them all? They had to try to get rid of her. First the ball for K'rock and his brothers to take over as leaders. They had claimed it was not fair to leave them last minute like that and claiming a breeder as a mate would put their ascension on hold. It was not fair they couldn't just brush them off like that. And she came to the ball looking amazing but not dressed as revealing but still getting most of the attention. When the women had tried to call out her clothing and actions for even to coming to a party, she wasn't invited to how rude it was. The response of all of them including the leader from away had been after her! That is not how this was to go. They were going to show up dressed hot and sexy pull the attention to them! Get them to accept them as their new mates. When it didn't work, they became angry and took it out on her to teach her a lesson. It was almost done with when they were caught.

Now this party in she comes again. This time with a planet's leaders they were princes. It was not fair how she kept getting everyone's attention. They all liked her and thought she was amazing?! She was not tall, she was pale, not strong enough to heal quickly, no high-ranking family she was not that pretty and of course that hair on her head no one had that stuff it was not normal. But G'quan the one who disliked outsiders more than anyone was smitten by her. This would not work. Kathleen was dressed in a beautiful dress again, that stuff on her head was down and wavy it was like being taunted. And with the princes. M'rang and brothers hadn't seen her yet! They hadn't mentioned her since being here. Maybe they decided it was better than to align themselves with her. Afterall she couldn't even walk!

She watched as she sat down or was 'rolled' to her seat. The voices were being heard about her arrival. Music was playing something slow and traditional. Now a song of her's about being single and putting a ring on it? The hell does that shit mean? What does a ring have to do with choosing a girl? At least I still have Krock's attention I am reminding him of all the fun we have had growing up and our families' goals and working together. All the achievements we have made and some of the other fun we have had. My hand touching his arm and knee. He must not be interested in her at all for my hand has been slowly getting higher and higher up his leg and no stopping me. I hear the conversation about looking for something or someone and why they're not here. I am concentrating on my hand and its path to pay any attention to the conversation at this time.

I look over to where she is. She isn't even sparing a glance at us! Why isn't she looking? I know she saw us here. She doesn't look hurt of upset at all. Maybe they talked to her after talking and hearing of my set up and agreed! Maybe talked with her about how crazy it is to have just one mate between them and an outsider?! My hand is inches from its destination I see Kathleen looking at us! I can't lose this shot at hurting her and seeing her cry. I lean over and place my lips on his neck and for a moment it seems like he's fine with it, but he pulls away and looks completely shocked. And yells "What in the seven hells are you doing?" I stare at him and say "I thought this was fine? You didn't stop my hand form touching you!" "You were touching me?" I am completely mortified at this point.

I loved reminiscing with my friends about being a kid. About past exploits and stupid things, we had done. Like the time we stole a ship and went to another planet when we were in our 30's (similar to humans at 15) and that planet was full of underage drinking and gambling clubs. I had even tried to bet our ship. We were caught after 4 days. We had to be sprung from prison for graffiti about the government and their leader! The funny thing was my uncle was the leader of the planet! It wasn't until my parents had gotten there did, they believe who I was. Thank GOD my parents had a locator on my ship and on me. I kept looking at my brothers thinking where the hell Kathleen was. I could feel eyes on me but not where they were coming from. I had just asked them when she was supposed to get here, and they all looked at each other and me. We realized none of us had invited her once again we had failed her. We did not deserve her. At that moment I felt lips and a hand on my leg and saw Amber's face next to mine. I jumped up and yelled. I looked around and saw a large amount of people staring. I caught a glimpse of Kathleen and noticed her looking. She must have seen what happened. But she was not hurt? She must know it means nothing. But why isn't she here with us?

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