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      I couldn't remember how I got here or much before this point. All I can tell is I had been here for about 2 years in a cell I think but sometimes it feels like much more. I remember getting to Georgia and something with my car then nothing. I had woken up in this cell. I get one meal a day usually lunch time which isn't bad I guess since its more than just bread and water. I get out of this cell daily for exercise which is I get to walk around or be forced to use a treadmill on some days however I have not seen the outdoors. I see what I believe is the reflections of the sun.

     I have no idea as to why I am here. Once a month I lose consciousness with no memory of what I do for that night. I am fine all day and that evening as it gets dark everything goes black and I wake up. All other nights everything is the same. I have lunch go for my exercise allowed to read a book that is picked out for me. Usually, it's a book I would never ask to read but it's an escape. Fictional stories about myth and legends and some of these books claim to be true life accounts! Some have sexual type things sometimes between human and other sentient species. So, its fun sort of. And this day is no different well the way it starts.

     I wake up and its the same thing I get handed a book and begin to read the sun's reflection has begun to come through the bars. This book isn't too bad. Matter of fact I am actually considering this a good one! I get fully engrossed into my book. I must have been reading for some time as my stomach starts to grumble. Usually by now they are coming by to give me lunch. Actually they are late if I am reading the sun right? They have been late before but not usually like this?! I start to think what could be up, but I have never been forgotten before I will be patient its not like I have any control as it is. I start reading again. I love getting lost in the stories it seems to make the time go by faster. I am near the last chapter of this book and still no one. It is evening time and the sun is setting. I cannot fathom what it is. I have saved water in bottles and granola bars from past meals, so I grab one and some water. I don't want to just eat or drink it all I need to make it last incase. I hear a voice say 'Incase what?' There is that voice again. No idea where it comes from it just happens. Maybe its from loneliness and solitude?

     I fall asleep and wake the next morning and wait. I wait to see if a book is brought to me. When it gets closer to noon and no book, no food, no other people at all?! I don't even hear people walking around above. Its always the same. They bring the book and walk away. People walk around above all day doing whatever it is they do. I gave up trying to get people to talk to me a long time ago. I was beaten until I stopped. I stopped fighting, yelling, talking, even begging. I think this might be a test to see if I learned my lessons years ago or if I will talk. So, I pick up the book from yesterday and read it again. I am getting hungry again, so I eat another granola bar and more water still wanting to connect with someone whether it is just seeing them or hearing them? Have they all up and left me? Will someone come and find me?

     It has been 3 weeks and I am on my last granola bar and water. After a week I began to ration my food and water. But I am beginning to give up and think maybe they are gone for good maybe I will...No, I am not going there not yet. I hear noises outside like voices? Maybe its all in my head? I mean its been three weeks unless I am wrong...Am I wrong is it more or less? I feel all jittery like something is going to happen. This is like those nights I forget things and wake up disoriented. I am scared to fall asleep what will happen? Maybe I am wrong. I have never questioned myslef this much before. I wake a few hours later and there are definatly voices right? 'No, you are hearing things go back to sleep.' That voice again, I have been hearing it more and more lately as my only connection I guess. I hear movement from above me too. It can't all be in my head right? Maybe I passed their tests, and they are here to feed me and let up. I have a small bathroom so water is easy and keeping clean is somewhat doable. A small bathroom as in a sink and toilet.

     The next few days continue as before. Although no food I do have access to water but no food. Scraping a mumbling not sure what they are saying. I hope they remember me soon and come and feed me or take me out. I need to do something maybe they can bring me a new book I have read this one way too many times. The more they talk the more I seem understand them. Maybe it is imagination they keep talking about finding something or someone. Maybe it will be a companion for me it would be nice but I would hate for someone else to go through this. Maybe they are hoping I'll die soon and then they can have another subject to study? That is what I believe they are doing to me. And those days I lose consciousness are when they want to conduct further studies and its best, I am not awake for them? I smell food and I think maybe they are torturing me for something a new plan seeing they kept me from communicating for so long maybe they want to show me they can control my body more make me even more reliant on them not sure I can be more.

     The next morning I am awoken to banging and scraping. It sounds like animals. Are there animals here can they get help for me? I open my mouth to speak, and it seems my mouth will not cooperate with me I cannot make a sound at all. I try to whisper and nothing comes out. Maybe I cannot hear any longer? Can you forget how to speak? No that can't be it babies come out able to cry. Maybe they took my voice box out. I start to take the cuffs they set on me when they take me out and clang them to the bars Trying to make noise. I use all the strength I can muster and hear the noises above cease! And people talking maybe? I hear yelling but I can't make it out what they are saying its been over 2yrs since I heard talking other than voices in my head. I hear a scraping and a creaking. And more voices I can make out what they are saying I think. 'Look at their body languages, their faces that will help.' Good idea I think to the voice. 'One of my many talents you will see more if we ever get out of here.' I shake my head in disbelief that I am really talking to myself.

     Then these people come down the stairs they are dressed differently than the others. The others wore all grey. T-shirts or sweatshirts and grey pants. These ones are dressed in what looks like t-shirts and shorts or loose pants. I am staring at them. They start talking all at once I hear some of what they are saying. But its a jumble all at once. I hear words like who, what, when and why? I can't answer them I don't even fully remember my own name it started with a K and that I was on a trip somewhere. But I cannot talk. I grab my throat and put a hand on my mouth. I look at them trying to understand things. Then a loud noise rips through the entire building I am in. And all the people in the room stop talking immediately and look up to the stairs their eyes look weird! I think now what? I hear laughter in my head 'Hahaha we will get out of here soon I know it.' What's out of here mean? Outside to walk around like my schedule or outside like where I think I hear birds?

      The footsteps a thundering down the stairs they are old and wooden I can hear the thump, thump, thump. This person walks like they control the universe. All the others back up and part giving the new person room to ascend the stairs. As I look closer, they are all bowing almost like they are afraid. I look forward and see a man who looks almost 7 foot tall come to the front. This scowl on his face he looks to his people and sees them all bowing to him and seems to smirk about his power over them. It feels gross to see his happiness over this much control. His eyes look over to me like he expects me to bow or cower in front of him and he steps closer to my cage and laughs saying something about auctions. And yells Jace and a man steps up not cowering like the others and he says grab her and bring her. I look to all of them some have pity in their eyes 3 of the females smile this evil grin as this Jace comes closer with a sad look on his fa e as he unlocks the cage with a key and grabs at my hand and everything goes black.


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