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Carral: After the communication I received about them bringing Kathleen here to escape K'rock and his brothers I knew better.  She had my information and we had been in talks lately about their treatment of her and how happy she was.  That she was looking forward to telling them how she felt.  I in a way had hoped things would not work out for them but I also wanted her happy and it seems that staying with them would make her happy.  I immediately contacted them on the situation.  They had received a letter from her saying she was leaving and not feeling cared for or respected.  That there was nothing they could do to change her mind.  I mean I could just be there and take her for myself if I was to believe all this.

But once I told them of the communication, they asked more like begged me to take her and keep her safe until they could get there.  They informed me they had found one man that had been arrested it was indicated he had been traveling with a child.  When they went to his quarters on the ship the girl was missing.  And upon watching the cameras they had seen Sha'lav coming into the room and walking out with said child.  I had seen the face as she looked up where the camera was it was Kathleen.

When I had received the information about who it was that had walked her out of the ship, I knew something was off.  I had known that man for many years and he is not the type to do something like this right?  Maybe like the rest of us it might be the pull we all seem to have with her.  Beautiful, smart, thoughtful, polite and just the right amount of forgiveness.  I have men watching all ships well waiting for any ship that has a child or a different type of female most of my men have never seen a human.  But I also sent out notification to surrounding planets that someone has been kidnapped but might trust the person who she is with.  And at first, I got a lot of flak about losing something or someone running away from my boorish behavior.  I told them who she rightfully belonged to.  The response was quick you do not mess with them and if they mess up it could be disastrous for their life and planet.  

I had been waiting for anything from my men about her or a ship but the only ones that had come had been ships with supplies and no female that met her description I was thinking maybe they had diverted from their plans.  Until late in the evening I had just responded to a communication from M'rang this time he had landed and was asking for any information.  I had invited him to my palace he had agreed to await I had a room set up for him and his brother but they both turned down the chance to rest.  It was about a day past the initial ship leaving their planet and no information and no landing yet.  A call had me jump and G'quan as well.  It was from a friend of another planet a ship that was not on the roster had just showed up it was a personal ship of a person from Crocat'tae which is where Kr'rok is from.

As soon as G'quan and M'rang had heard that they knew for sure the information of who they had heard it was made sense.  But they did not want to admit someone they had trusted for so many years could so something like this to them.  M'rang "Why to a different planet?  I thought they were coming here.  What could have happened to cause them to change like that?"  Without any other communication we headed to one of my ships specifically an older one, with no markings on it to show who or what we were no need to pull attention.  When we land on the other planet, we want no one to know exactly who we are so we can get close to them. 

Sha'lav: I had my sources on the planet we were to land on let me know M'rang and G'quan had both landed on the planet and headed for the palace.  Someone may have let on where we were heading.  I deviated to another planet small one where things happen all the time and law is a bit more sit back.  Unless something like murder or thievery of something from someone in power.  Where money talks and can make things go away.  As we land there are a few more people around here that seem interested in others business.  We will not be here for very long I have another planet its 2 months travel from here and I have a place set up.  I will await my pay from Ar'rie and then never have anything to do with any of them.  I just hope she is willing to accept me.  She will eventually.  I will be one of the only people she has connections with when we get to the new place.

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