The Ultimatum

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This night did not go as planned.  I was thinking I would hear how they were choosing the 3 bitches and thinking I'd be a good girl and accept things. For now, until I could get away.  When it came to the party, I was having a conversation with my new friends.  Anytime I looked up to where they were sitting, I saw all smiles and laughing they were having fun.  It hurt but why would it hurt so much.  I was told from day one I was to be a breeder, right?  But it still hurt like someone ripping out my heart.  I could not handle being a consort or breeder.  Then when I was brought over to their table and the bitches were asked to move the reaction was priceless.  And then I heard the voice say something I could not translate most but I heard their names K'rock, M'rang, G'quan and word announcement.  No idea what it was to be announced and before I could even think I was ushered into a different room and sat down.

After they had explained it to me, I was upset they had done things like this if they had just been straightforward most of this could have been avoided.  But we all know how men can be with coming right out with it.  UGH!  I saw hope and despair at the same time in their eyes.  I knew I had power over them, but I didn't want it.  I wanted to jump into their arms and accept them as they were offering.   But I also didn't want to just give them it.  I wanted them to prove things to me!  What if they took this for granted?  What if they decide to go back to the before?  I need to be sure I can trust them and that this is what they truly want.   I do not want to embarrass them in front of their people or make it seem I am all good and I fully forgive their behaviors.    I need to say this before going out there.  "If I agree to this, I need promises it won't happen again.  I need proof.  You need to prove yourself and that you will not go back on your promises.  I want to trust your words.  You have 3 months to prove to me you can be trusted.  If by that time I am not sure I will leave."   The look on their faces is more hopeful and smiling but also a bit nervous.

Now that we have more than a few moments I tell them "I will not blindly just accept things so they can go back to the way they were before. I cannot allow it to happen again, and I will not stay here if it does. I am saying yes for I am willing to give time to work this out and allow you three to properly beg for forgiveness and do major ass kissing!" K'rock was staring at me at this statement. And asked, "What would that have to do with forgiveness?"  M'rang was in the same thought "Why kiss ass? Is that some odd Earth term? Sounds like something unsettling. Isn't that an Earth animal one would use to ride or move items with? Kissing one would make you happy? I am unsure if we can get one here? Is there something else that would work for this?"   I laughed and it was loud and unladylike as I snorted at them.  I explained to them "Kissing ass means to do major apologizing, flattering, or agreeing with someone to gain favor. However, ass is also a word for the backside or the part you sit down on."   "I understand how that might buy favor with one; We could do the ass kissing the last meaning sounds like more fun!" 

"We would like you to stay in our room from now on.  Would you like to do that?"  K'rock asks me.  M'rang quickly adds "We have 5 rooms in our apartment here.  One is in the center which is the bigger than the other ones with a much larger bed.  We had it put in with the hoped of you sharing it with us."  I stare at them wondering if they are saying we should start to sleep in the same bed from now on or something, while it sounds like fun, I am unsure due to them thinking things will happen.  That is when G'quan states "You will have the choice of all the beds/rooms however we hope that we can all share the same bed you can set any rules you like.  We can have your items brought over from your own room."   I am slightly excited at the idea of spending more time with them.  "I think it would be nice to get to know you three better than I have so far.  But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.  It will be a situation where I have the final decision on activities that go on.  I understand you all have new positions and will have lots to do over the next few days, but I will not be treated as a second class anything and will not be placed aside by any of you.  Or ignored like before if it does happen, I will not be here to see you try to show me otherwise."

We bring her to our apartment and show her around.  My brothers and I were a bit nervous to show her our rooms.  Hoping she would like them.  Not much for design of our rooms we did not spend much time in here other than sleeping.  All hopes in finding a mate, knowing they would probably want to decorate.  Known for spending more time in our offices for work, that will change soon.  We show all the rooms including the big one in the center.  Eventually we plan to all move into the bigger room and use the other rooms for any children we have even if that is a long time off.  Each room is slightly different to fit each of our styles.  Mine is mainly browns and greens more natural colors.  The whole room is painted green very dark.  The couch is brown along with a few chairs.  There is a window to the outside where the forest is.  My brothers are a bit different.  M'rang is more blues and greens the blue is navy in color and green is a softer tone.  Of course, K'rock's room is black and grey.  And the one in the center is a pale yellow with lighter colors.  Some brown, lighter blues, grey and purple.  We had no idea what she would like so we went with a mix.  The bed has a canopy with curtains like in the stories of princesses and such of her Earth.  I hoped she liked it was M'rang's and my idea.  We wanted her to feel like a princess.  We read up on them and they were women that were treated with respect and well taken care of not left wanting anything.

Her smile is definitely there I smile as I offer her the center room, she does seem to like it.  She admits to being tired and just wanting to sleep.  I walk over and ask if she would like a shower or bath, she just wants to sleep.  I head to my room and grab a shirt of mine its the smallest one I have and give it to her to wear.  She accepts and then walks to the bathroom.  A few moments later she steps out my shirt hanging down to her knees.  I open the blankets for her, and she looks at the bed like it's a tall mountain to be climbed and she is an inexperienced.  She looks at me and my brothers and asks where we will be sleeping.  I tell her we have our own rooms/beds.  I was not expecting the following from her as she informs us, she does not want to be all alone the bed is too big for her alone.  Her hand goes to mine, and she pulls me to the bed and says "Sleep only.  Hands to yourselves or you will be sleeping on the floor."  She looks at all three of us saying "The offer to share the bed is for all of you."

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