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      I had been asleep only to hear noises and talking about landing, but it had seemed more in the background or someone else's life.  I felt the ship move a bit more like turbulence almost.  Not even a few seconds more I could sense another presence near me, and I felt myself being lifted a floating sensation.  I was being picked up and by the scent it was one of my men.  I felt a nose at my neck and a sniffing sensation I almost giggled I was awake but not ready to talk about things I wanted to just relax fully.  As I am 'floating' I can tell we are home.  There are people around but none of them are verbally acknowledging us.  I can sense tension by what I am pretty sure is K'rock like he is afraid of waking me or something.

       He stops I hear a noise as a few more steps and I am laid onto a bed and a blanket put over me.  I hope he is not going to just lay me down here and leave me all alone.  But before I can sit up, I hear the sound of clothing being rustled.  And I feel the blanket move and bed dip down.  I feel arms around me and then at my back.  I realize what he is doing, and I can't help but sigh as its removed.  Shortly after I feel another body at my back.  I wish all three could be here in bed with me.

       A bit later I am awake hungry!  Like starving.  I look at each of them asleep and smile they look almost as exhausted as I was and still am.  I do not want to wake them they need sleep too.  I plan on being away for only a short time.  I slowly remove myself from the middle of these two and place my pillow between them.  I realize who I am missing and quietly head to Marcus and say hi.  He has a million questions and I say I will answer some, but I want to know where G'quan is.  Marcus tells me he will lead me there with lights while we chat.  After about 20 questions and walking for what feels like hours but more like 10 minutes, I am slow still.  I have more energy but not fully recharged.  

      I find G'quan's office as I raise my hand to knock the door opens and G'quan looks surprised to see me.  He scoops me up and asks me "And what do we have here?  All by yourself?"  He looks around and doesn't see anyone else.  Me being the snarky person I am "No, can't you see me, myself and I?  No really Marcus is with me, and we are playing a one-sided game of 20 questions.  He asks and I answer in return he was leading me to you."  G'quan thanks Marcus and asks what "And what do I owe the pleasure of this visit to?"  At that moment my stomach interrupts us and yells it requires food or it will have our heads.  I hear G'quan laugh as he says let us get some food.  

       On our way to the kitchen his beeper and mine go off and as I answer I hear panicked voices of K'rock and M'rang I know what the issue is they realized I am not there.  G'quan lets them know I am with him and getting food.  That is when G'quan picks me up again.  "I could get used to this being carried thing.  It is really comfortable."   "If you want, we could make it a regular thing that one of us, get to carry you wherever/whenever you want."  I scrunch up my face like I could do just that.  "Maybe?  We could try it out?"  He starts to laugh like full out laugh and his laughter is loud.  We get to the food he actually starts to cook not using a synthesizer at all.  Marcus quietly tells me he took time to learn how to cook and he is doing good.  

      He cooks a pretty good meal, and it smells and tastes amazing.  He lets me know it is one of his favorite meals.  I have no idea what is really in this, but it reminds me of pizza but in a dish not on a crust.  The others show up and serve themselves some.  As we eat in silence, I think they are afraid to talk to me and we all seem exhausted.  I smile and say "Lets, leave the conversation about the past few weeks for tomorrow.  Right now can we just relax?"  They all seem in agreement. 

     I am halfway through my meal sitting on G'quan when K'rock comes over and picks me up putting me on his lap saying, "My turn!"  I giggle thinking just like a small child.  And I just settle into him.  But I do get scolded by M'rang for getting up and leaving and not telling them where I was off to.  I need to tell them when I wonder off.  "But I wasn't alone Marcus was with me the entire time."  Which leads to talk about informing them, so they don't freak.  I roll my eyes, but I understand where they are coming from.

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