Home Safe

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K'rock:  I had received communication that they had found Kathleen and she seemed okay.   But the doctor needed to fully check her out.  Her symptoms are of a virus that can be deadly to humans and children.  I am glad she is with my brothers however the thought she was ill means I will have to keep from showing her exactly how happy I am to have her back.  We all will.  So, I have gone through the room and made sure everything would be set for her.  I had changed the colors during her absence I have learned more from Marcus about my perfect human.  Also, much damage was done to the room when she was taken.  We had to replace much of the furniture. I am also trying to learn her language which I will say is odd.  Some words that look like they should be pronounced the same way that others are spelled similar sound different.  And ones spelled differently that sound the same.  And some words the plural of them is so much different than others that the singular is spelled similarly.  Talk about confusing.  I heard her language is a collection of many other languages.  

Ari'rie has been taken into custody for her orchestration of the abduction.  And the others that have been linked to it others that have been conspirators are also being investigated.  The court will be held in a short time.  Hmmm my time would be 6 maneder or months in her language.  They should be here in a few days baring her health getting any worse.  I call my mother to let her know she is on her way back to us.  My mother was worried for us she has yet to meet Kathleen.  She is having her personal doctor come to visit as well.  We need to find out things.  I can't lose her when we just barely had things set.  As I understand she has been sleeping more as well which I am told is important.  I do another walk through.  Marcus and I have spoken multiple times about things she wanted a pet similar to an Earth cat.  After research he and I had found what creature, her was closest to her Earth cat.  The funny thing is the creature we have here is a mioyup.  Ears are longer and thinner, tails similar however the sound is small and sweet sounds like a small squeak.  And like an Earth cat this one will climb into one's lap, not a fan of water unless for drinking.  And they have more colors some even have the ability to change color.

My brothers and I are thinking of taking her once she is healthy on vacation for a bit.  Take her to see a few sights and meet our parents.  I hope she enjoys where we are planning to take her.  Kathleen should be here with them soon.  The last notification was earlier this morning she seems to be feeling a bit better.  She was not as pale as the first day she was found.  The doctor thinks it might be the sickness was more psychological.  Being away was making her sick due to fear or depression.  But things are not 100% yet.   Maybe being back here will help her recover?  We are keeping her return as a need-to-know basis.  I don't want her overwhelmed.  I had an appointment with the pet place to select a pet for her.  The animal is relatively small for us but to her it will come to her knees.  I hope she loves it.  I am not getting a baby of the animals.  There are ones a bit older which will be perfect.  They live for 120 or so years and the ones I am looking at are about 15 years old.  Not sure if Kathleen knows how long she will live.  The medications she was given by her captors will make her live for many more years than a human should.  Almost infinite unless severe illness or something happens otherwise.

G'quan:  When we retrieved Kat from the cabin, Kathleen looked pale.  Even paler than before.  I had no idea she was this bad off.  I picked her up and kept her with me unless I needed to step away and M'rang had her with him.  She woke up the next morning and I am sure she had a bit more color to her but not fully sure.  It wasn't until she ate something and was able to keep it down that we could tell she felt somewhat better.  She wasn't talking much it seems like her energy levels are low.  She woke for food and going to the bathroom.  She was snuggled right up against one of us I am not complaining at all.  I really enjoyed it after missing her she smelled even better than before if it's possible.  Mr'ang even mentioned it.

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