Chapter II

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My breath caught in my throat as I realized that he was back. With more. Was defeating me once not enough for him? I could run to the Temple, into safety and into a herd of irritable vampires in my late arrival. However, for some reason I will never understand, my feet stayed glued to the pavement beneath them. As the wolves crept closer the hair on the back of my neck prickled. Their scent stuck to my nostrils, a most unpleasant smell. I could hear them growling now... One growl... Two...Four... Five... Seven wolves. One vampire. Since when did they ever gang up upon one vampire? I thought it was our geurilla warfare that sent them crying in agony. But apparently they have gotten smarter over the last week. Will this war ever end?

"Come on! Come out! I know you're there! Just come out so we can play, dogs." I shouted, sounding braver than I felt. My legs were like lead, my heart racing. I knew they could hear it. 

As if on cue, seven wolves pounced out, some lashing at me. I dodged those with ease, and thought I could take these, obviously untrained, young puppies. The one flanking me snarled and snapped, and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw one lose her temper and struck at me. She got close, and would've hit, if I didn't bite into her forearm/ The pup cried out in pain, venom already lining her veins, I knew that could've been avoided but I reacted too quick. She instantly turned into her human form and gasped a few times. The venom was burning her from the inside out. I almost took pity for her. Then again, she tried to kill me. One wolf changed form, and went to lay beside her, holding her hand. Seconds later, she drew in one slow, staggering breath. We all watched her, in silence, fade away. That was the last of her. I usually spare the pups. But I couldn't risk another cut. I looked into the yellow eyes of the puppy that had attacked me the night before. "Get out of here before you're next." I threatened him. He turned tail and ran off. 

I walked in the Temple into complete chaos. Vampires were fussing here and there about the Vampire/Werewolf war. I stepped into my usual chair and shouted, "HEY! VAMPIRES! "--The room quieted down-- "Calm down. I understand that you are angry, frustrated, or you just simply want the war over. I am also very sorry I was late, I ran into several young pups on my way. Unfortunately I had killed one. But they attacked in a pack first. We just need to stay strong, and do not fall apart now! The war has lasted for several years, I know. We have won so very many battles! Stay strong and pull together. Now depart." 

After all the Vamps had disappeared, I went hunting. It was around 2:30 A.M. Wasn't too long before I found a worthy human. I drank about half of their total blood, left them there to heal. As I arrived home, there was a silhoutte figure on my porch. Approaching with caution, I walked up to them. 

"What do you want?" I asked with a hiss, realizing what it was. 

"You killed my sister," said the stranger, the wolf.

"And you think I care? We're in a war, that's what war is. We kill others. Now why don't you go chew a bone."

"Why don't you go and suck on a human you leech!" He paused, sighed, then said: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't get my temper up. But there was no need to kill my only family member left. Now I have no one." And he was gone.

Those few statements will haunt me forever, I just know it. How was I to know it was his sister? Nevertheless, his only sister? There was no possible way to know. I can't read wolves. So why did he say that like I knew something? To my right, a light blinded me. I ran inside to change out of my tight jeans, tight tank, and thigh-high boots. I donned a crimson red, deep v-neck t-shirt and a pair of ripped shorts, and Converse. A peek in the mirror and I was off to play human. 

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