Chapter V

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My eyes fluttered open. I tried to let my eyes adjust to the white light. After I could see, and the fog from my eyes was cleared, I observed my surroundings. Everything was sickening white. The sheets were pale white. The curtains, the floor, the walls. It was all so white that I had to blink constantly because my eyes couldn't take the brightness of it all. The room smelled of Clorox bleach; it made my stomach churn. And at that instant, I realized where I was. Shooting upward, I tried to get out of the bed. But I was restrained by tubes and needles and a little clip on my middle finger. There was a loud bleeeeeeeeeep that didn't seem to go away. The bleep reminded me of something I saw in a show.. Or a movie one time.. The sound of someone who lost a heartbeat. 

Little did they know I died a very long time ago.  I tried to get up again, untangling tubes left and right. A voice startled me.

"I wouldn't leave if I were you." it said.

"And why not?" I replied defensively, turning towards the source of the voice.

"Because if you leave now they will never leave you alone. Oh, and they're trying to find you a family.  Because you're dead," he motioned  to the monitor, "they need to tell your parents. He-he. Little do they know, you are young, and they are six feet under!" he chuckled at his own joke.

"But why can't I just escape now if they think I'm dead already?"

"Ever had a dead person escape a hospital?" He pulled out a muffin and started to nibble on it, "It's not too common in these parts of the world."

"Oh." I said, feeling stupid at this point, "So what do I do?"

"That is not my problem." He said nonchalantly, I just stared. "Well, I am supposed to get you out of here. But you know you have to be dead for a while. Tonight, I'll come by." At that he was gone. all that was left of him was the muffin he was munching on. I lifted it up, and looked at it closely. The nibbling marks left a paw-shaped mark in it.

I got back into my snow white bed and held my breath as I heard the doctor come into my cell of white. The doctor examined the monitor. After what seemed like eons to me, he finally removed the heartbeat sensor from my middle finger. He left quickly, and it sounded like he called a nurse.  

As night draped over the world, the wolf was back. He prodded my side until I opened my eyes. 

"Good morning, Princess." He said cold and sarcastic. 

"Good morning, Puppy." I said in the same tone. He glared. 

"I have a name you know. It's Ace." Ace said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"Oh that's nice. Mine's Xenia." 

"I know what your name is..." He trailed off. "Well, we must be getting you back. I'm surprised you're even alive. I thought that vampire hunter would've killed you. Guess you got lucky."

This made me pause to think. A vampire hunter? What? He looked vampire to me, and he didn't make any attempt to kill me as soon as he could. So how could he be a vampire hunter? Confused, I played dumb. "What are you talking about?"

"You know, Darion. The vampire hunter? Yeah, surprised he didn't kill you. He's killed hundreds of you right off the back with out even considering it. Well, he DID capture you. Which is new. Anyway, the good thing is that you're alive." Ace said, mumbling a bit at the end. 

"Well, can we go? The smell of this place just makes me want to hurl." I said.

"Sure. I can't stand it much either. But you might want to change." 

Grabbing my clothes, I went to the bathroom to change. When I came out Ace was already hanging out the window. I wondered what he was doing because it's a good thirty to fourty foot drop, onto pavement. But then I realized, we don't die. I laughed at myself in midair. 

"So why are you here exactly?" I asked him.

"Oh, you're going to be with me. The mobs burned down your house. You can have my sister's room to sleep in."

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