Chapter IV

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I heard distant voices. They seemed to be having a casual conversation, but then I noted there was tension in the voices. I couldn't quite make out what they said at first. But as I continued to wake up, I could decipher what was being said:

"Darion, what are we going to do with her?"

"I don't kn--"

"What's wrong?"


They must have known I was listening, but how I may never know. I attempted opening my eyes, but the bright flourescent lights hurt them. I couldn't feel my body, only my head which was pounding as if I was dropped on my head. I tried opening my eyes again, and it hurt less, but everything looked like it was in a deep fog. I decided it might be best to just lay there, with eyes closed, and try to feel my arms and legs.

"Rave, go away. Leave me with the girl." Darion said. "Hey there," He said softly, and tugged my arm. I grunted. "Good you're awake. Don't move, it'll hurt worse than a werewolves' bite." He chuckled to himself. I made a motion as if I was going to speak, but nothing came out. 

"Try sitting her up!" An anonymous voice called from across the room. 

"Diana! HUSH!" Darion yelled at her, but took her advice. He grabbed both of my arms-- which I couldn't feel, becuase I hadn't quite yet regained feeling in them-- and pulled forward. A shooting pain travelled through my shoulders and spine, to my head. I cringed. "You okay babydoll? Don't take it too hard now." His voice was still soft, and I was glad. I nodded slightly, in answer to his question, but that hurt my head even worse. After what seemed like hours, I finally sat up, in much pain and confusion.  

"WhereamI?" I slurred.

"You're somewhere far away, dear."

"Wh-Why? I was just at my house and I... I don't remember..." I tried to think back, but it was all so hazy. Almost as if someone had erased my memory. 

"Honey, you won't remember what happened. You probably don't even remember your name. What was it?" He said jokingly. I oopened my mouth smartly, as if I was going to tell him. But I couldn't remember it. I racked my brain for a name, any name, but I couldn't remember a thing. I closed my mouth, and stared blankly at Darion.

 "Xenia. It was Xenia." Darion sighed. Somehow I began to move, and then I must've blacked out because I didn't remember anything. I reawoke in a darkened room with little lighting. I was confused for a minute, then realized what had just happened. That reminded me of a question I forgot to ask.

I found my voice then said, "Why am I here?" I sounded a bit defeated to me, almost as if I was certain I wouldn't be able to get out of this place. 

"You're here to be mine."

"Your what?" 

"Mine. Just mine. My wife, my whatever-you-want-to-be. But there is no way out. You don't remember a thing." I just stared. How could I not remember anything? This was all messed up, in so many ways. "I know what you're thinking. 'How can he do this to me? How can I not remember anything? How did he find me?'" He mocked me in a perfect voice. "Truth is baby, I've known you your entire life... So the wedding is in three weeks, and I expect you to find a wedding dress in that time." 

I looked down. On my left hand there was a gorgeous ring. It was white gold, with a gigantic diamond with millions of little diamonds surrounding it. It was glittering in the little light there was, it shined like sunshine on the ocean. I gasped. 

"Surprised? I thought you would be." He chuckled again. 

"I-I don't know what to say," I looked up at Darion. His perfect black hair was long, about to his jaw, and his near-black eyes were hypnotizing. I tore my gaze from them and looked down. He had a black, button-up shirt with the sleeves pushed halfway up his arms. His black skinny jeans were exceptionally tight against his legs, and he had on black-on-black Converse. 

"Then don't say anything." He said, taking his fingertips and gently pushing my chin up to look at him. His hands followed the length of my arms and then found their way to the small of my back. I had my hands on his chest; he pulled me closer, and leaned in for a kiss. 

Though the kiss was only a few seconds long, it made my head swim. "Uhm..." I said. And he let me go some. 

I looked around the room. Black walls, the bed was made of red silk, and the pillows were black. The fireplace crackled, and the couches were a dark red color. There were other pieces of dark-colored furniture, but it was too dim to see. 

"Welcome to our suite, darlin'" 

I sighed. I needed blood. Which reminded me... "How long was I passed out?" I inquired. 

"About three days. Almost four. We'll get you blood. We have a full stock." He winked. I smiled, I don't what it was or why, but I found him charming. In the distance, bells chimed.

"Time for bed," Darion said walking into his closet. 'To change', I supposed. "Through that little hallway to your left is your closet, which is completely full. Don't worry about it fitting, we already had you sized."--He poked out of his closet to my right--"I hope you like it." And he smiled a little.

After getting changed, I walked back through the door, and joined Darion in our king-size bed. He crawled next to me and pulled me next to him. In a matter of seconds, we were alseep.

We woke up to screams, doors slamming closed, and what sounded like growls in the hallways. "Dang." Darion murmured. He looked over at my frightened expression and told me it'll be okay. I believed him until the werewolves burst through our door. Instinctively I jumped up, growing my fangs that had receded when I was asleep. I donned my fighting position: Shoulders back, head and chest leaning forward, one leg in front, teeth barred, and eyes that could kill. They made a leap towards me but I dodged it and turned around, biting them in the shoulder for a second. Then they slid out of my bite and slashed my shoulder. I made a leap for my dagger, that would have been  laying on my bedside table at home, but it was missing here. The wolf swiped at me, and hit my stomach. I cursed as I hit the ground.

I lay in a pool of blood, coming from my stomach. I could feel myself slipping from consiousness. The blood was gushing out of me... It was soaking my clothes, and my hair. The last thing I saw was Darion rushing towards me. 


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