Chapter 13

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Tw: abuse/ violence

"I made you some breakfast." the horned man said as he carried a platter with eggs and a glass bottle of lemon sprite. "what'd u put in that?" I asked. "Salt and pepper." He giggled as he looked down at the platter and back at us, "oh eat it don't eat it." He says while crouching to place it on the floor.

"you're already down here what do I have to drug you for?" his tone of voice changed, he sounded ominous.

He left and shut the door but the lock didn't click. Finney slowly crept to the door, it was unlocked. He slowly opened the door slightly until the phone rang again. The ringing startled both of us, he turned back to look at the phone. He quickly let go of the door handle and walked to the phone, he picked up the phone. "hello?" he spoke a bit low. "Don't go upstairs." a new voice speaks. "why not?" he questions.

I stood next to him to listen to the conversation. "It's a trap." the voice on the end of the line replies.

"Are you Bruce?" the voice didn't really sound like Bruce.

"Who's Bruce?" the voice asks. "I was just talking to Bruce." Finn states. "I don't know any Bruce." The voice sounded like a boy around our age. "He's the baseball player." Finn replies. "We don't play baseball here" He states a bit gloomy. "Who are you?" Finn questions. "I don't remember."

"Did you play soccer, football?" Finn states random sports. "I delivered newspapers." He answers. "Billy.. You're Billy Showalter." He states. "Maybe." Billy answers.

"No you're billy." Finn was convinced the voice he was talking to was indeed Billy Showalter, the kid who was kidnapped long before Bruce. Billy kept brushing Finney's statement off. "Do. Not. Go upstairs." He says sternly. "What's he doing?" I question as I grab the phone and hold it to my ear.

"He's waiting on the other side with that fucking belt. He didn't say you can leave so if you try he'll punish you. He'll beat you with that belt till you pass out. It hurts kid. It hurts real bad. You'll cry. You'll beg him to stop, we all did.. but he just keeps beating." He said before cutting off the call.

"Hello? Hello?" I ask before hanging up the phone. I grabbed Finney's hand as we slowly creep upstairs, cautiously so our footsteps wouldn't be heard. There he sat, in the chair with a belt in hand. Shirtless.

"What a creep." I accidentally say out loud, I quickly covered my mouth. Finn looked over at me with wide eyes before trying to rush down the stairs. It was too late for me though.

I heard a set of footsteps appear behind me, I was about to turn around when my head suddenly crashes against the wall, his grip was too strong I couldn't stop the impact. Blood gently dripped down the side of my head. "Ah fuck!" I cry out in pain. I dropped to the floor and he stood in front of me, looking down at me. He struck me with the belt everywhere.

My arms stung, my legs, my stomach.. everything ached.

"Nighty Night naughty... girl." he tilts his head as he laughs before finally leaving one last blow to my head. That's when everything went dark.

I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes, he threw me on the mattress and pointed at us. "Let this be a lesson for the both of you." He says before walking out the door again. Finney quickly rushed to my side and laid me over his lap. "Are you okay?" he asks as he looks down at me.

"It hurts." I cry out as tears stroll down the side of my face. "I've got you, you're safe now." He says while hushing me. "It much Finney." I cry as I rock myself back and forth. The only thing I thought about right then was Robin, he used to be the one who would comfort me when my parents fought or when my dad struck me.

I would give anything to see him again.. but he's gone and there's not a single thing that I could possibly do about it.

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