Season 1 Episode 7: Scrapheap

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No one's pov.

In the harsh weather that was deep in the arctic there was Bee and Bulkhead searching something that the base has picked up a while ago. The winds were strong enough to pushes around the bots as they kept on walking to wherever this thing was placed.  :Are we there yet?: The scout asked while acting like a child who asked if they there in a car ride. The old wrecker looks down at the GPS that he was handed before they left. "No, we're not there yet, but is should be just past this ridge Bumblebee.", The bot said to the small black and yellow bee. They slide down a side of a snowy cliff. Bee was looks somewhere since there was only one GPS that was given. Bulkhead looks at the map that seem to be malfunctioning. Maybe from weather or something else. "I don't get it. These readings are off the meter.", The wrecker stated while he continues looking at the map.  As the scout turns his head he was able to see something that might be it. :Bulk! Look at this!:, Bee beeped out as they walked over to thing that the scout has founded. The saw a giant metal ball that seem to crashed there a long time ago stuck inside some ice. 

Back at the Autobots' base were it was late at night for any activity. Bulkhead was hooked up to something that seem to be checking on his health. He took one of the tubes that was connected to him off and tries to stand up. "I told you doc, we're fine.",  The wrecker said as he was about to get up, but ended up getting place back down by the one and only doc bot. "The only way to be certain you're fine Bulkhead is to endure standard defrosting procedures. You know prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage",  The doctor bot scolded the ex-wrecker about his health. "Ratchet, have you learn anything more about our arctic find?", Optimus asked while trying to breaking up the two autobots from their small bickering and keep them focus onto the the arctic findings. Ratchet walks over to his screen that had a camera facing the froze pod. "Not yet. The pod can't be opened while it's frozen solid.", The doc bot said keeping his eyes away from the screen for a few minutes. As the bots were too distracted talking to each other or more like arguing, there was a loud noise that sound like a bang inside the pod. While more of the ice was melting, the more of the banging began. Then there was sound of something breaking pod with it's hand as a hole was created from them. 

Ratchet was typing in some coordinates from that would leaded a new team back where the pod was found. Once he did that he pulled down the lever and the ground bridge was able to turn on to the place. "Arcee and I will search for any clue which might explain the origin of our arctic find.", The prime said as he and the only femme in the room were standing in front of the working ground bridge. Just then as he said that the doctor pulled up something that will help the two as they're in the cold weather. "Only until your sensor sound. Remember, once your core temperature drop into the blue zone; system failures aren't likely, they're imminent.", The doctor bot said as he was informing hid leader and dear friend what will happened when they're out there. Just then Bee and Bulkhead rushes in while slamming onto the breaks like they were just speeding or something. The four human children gotten out. The boys were with Bee and the girl were with Bulk. "Miss us doc bot?", Miko shouted while happy to see all the Autobots. Ratchet sighs and looks away from all the children. "Oh. Shouldn't they be in school?",  The bot asked his leader while not knowing how school really works. "On Saturday? We have the while weekend off to spend with you.", The younger girl said as she tease the poor cybertronian. She walks over to the human center as Jack was right behind her. He shrugs up at Ratchet and goes over to his guardian. "I wasn't expecting to carpool. What gives, Arcee?", He asked while wonder why he didn't get a ride with her this morning. "Tag team, Jack. It's my turn for exploration duty.", She told the human teen while getting over towards him. His face lit up when she said exploration. Jack thought of a plan that would keep here around. "To bad. It's a beautiful day for a ride. Hate for you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors.", He said to her while trying his best to have her around. She had her hand placed on her hips as she looked down at the small human. "Arctic exploration duty.", She stated as she knew what he was trying to do, but once he said that he pointed towards the human area. "Indoors where it's warm.", He said while heading over there. Then lastly the two siblings where last to come in line. "The Arctic? I've always wanted to see snow!", The bother said while exited about seeing snow for the first time. The sister looks at her brother like he was crazy. "Raf the Arctic and regular snow are two different things.", She stated as pointing out something that would be important to know about. Optimus looks down at the two siblings while Arcee looks up at her leader. "Alex is correct; I would invite you to join Rafael, but the conditions are much too extreme. Even for we autobots.",  The prime said the young boy as his sister holds him close. "I understand.", the young one said asked Optimus nods at him and Arcee gave him a warm smile. The two started to walked into the grand portal of the base while having their backs turned for everyone. Then the prime stopped in his path to look at Raf. "But I will bring you back a snowball.",  The leader as as he had a smile under mask while making a promise to the human child. "That would be awesome!", Raf said as he had the biggest smile placed on his face as he went to join his friends as his sister was left behind. After that Arcee and Optimus walked into the portal and was about to get to the other side. "Transport complete.",  Ratchet said as he turned around to looks at the ground bridge controls that just started to spark for new reason and cause it to shut down. "By the allspark.",  The doc bot said as the whole thing was power down. "That not good.", Alex said while looking at the broken control panel. 

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