Season 1 Episode 12: Predatory

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No one's pov. 

Deep in space there was a light traveling faster the the speed of light. Reaching close to Earth and crashing down on a forest in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't any normal rock that was just crushing down, but a ship for an unknown. It crashed landed in the middle of the forest makes it arrival on Earth. Knocking down trees and the sound of shirking metal as the breaks were being used. Making it home to whoever or whatever that as came onto the planet. Hiding deep in the thick fog.

The next day Arcee was on a mission since the crashing of the unknown ship was giving off an energon signal from the base. Right along with as her trusty human, Jack. He tries to swat away the bugs that were coming after his blood. "I really wish I'd packed some insect repellent.", the hero boy said as he tries to get all thee blood sucking bugs away from him. "Mosquitoes out here on this routine recon are the size of vampire bats. And they drink just about as much blood.", Jack said as he kills on that landed on his arm and ends up killing it. For once Arcee looked up from the screen on the device to look at her human friend. "Quite the outdoors man aren't you, Jack.",  She said to him while making fun of him being a camping nerd. "You wouldn't be making fun of my survival kit. "Maybe.",  The warrior stated fast as she was making fun of the small being. "I may not have stinger proof metal skin, Arcee, but in a pinch I can use my multi-function pocket knife and magnesium fire starter to cook up some freeze-dried mac and cheese.", He said while showing off his fanny pack that was wrapped around his wasted. "You have your tools, I have mine.",  She said as she waves around her device. Then it started to beep letting her know that there's something near or going on. "That's odd ratchet's satellite scans were accurate but subterranean energon deposits don't cause this kind of surge.",  Acree stated since the radar was going nuts and was ready to fly off the charts. Then they set off and ready to go to where ever they were heading too. The warrior was face down on the screen like most people are now of days, but the beep happened again. She looks up see that there was a trail of deep slope that was created buy some and the tress where cut down or on the side of the forest a stick in a road. Jack came right next to her seeing was going as there it was. "What happened here?", He asked sine this wasn't something that they're normally used to. "Crash lading. Stay behind me low and close.", She said to the human boy since it might be a con or a bot that came into town. Acree as jogging a bit while Jack was trailing right behind here. The fog was getting stronger and stronger by the second and making it all hard for things to see. They hid behind a tree that would cover the two of them. Once they were able to get close to the ship that seem to out of order. 

With all the confusion on who is who when they come is has no point. "Autobot or decepticon?", Jack asked while looking at the ship. Arcee tried to look for something that might give her a clue, but there was nothing. "Can't tell, wait here.",  She order him to stay and not move. The hand gun came out and she went off to see what could be on the other side of the ship. Jack did a quick glance at her and the to the ship to make sure nothing comes out and attacks him. The warrior walks around and makes sure that every side of her is covered and that nothing will jump out and say hello to her. Jack fells something isn't right, but what is as sound of walking echos deep in the woods. Acree made it to the side of the ship and walked closer in while waiting to see if anyone will come out, but when no one did she got ready and jump in front where the doors where wide open. The bot goes in deeper as it was covered in darkness and no light to be seen. As for her human friend he was getting worried since there was sight of her to be seen. That didn't last long when she came out and holding the side of the ship. The hero boy say this and rushes over towards her. "Arcee?!", He said as he got closer towards her. Arcee looked up to see her human friend running over towards her. Once she did a flashback came over her. There it was a con walking closer to some bot that is unknown and a wicked smirk was placed on the femme con as she raise a leg or stick over the body and stab the bot. The blood of the bot was everywhere ans nothing could been down. Then it ended as she was back to the real work. She shakes the fear off as the voice of Jack was there. "Arcee! What's wrong?", He ask as he feel fear and something up with his protector. "I know who this ship belong to. Acree to base, I need a ground bridge asap." Arcee said as she needs to get Jack and herself back to somewhere safe and away from whoever owns the ship. This was making Jack be all jumping since he doesn't know what's going or who ship it belongs to. "Wait wait why? Whose ship is this?", He asked his guardian since she has the answers to this problem that they're in. She just shakes him off and turned around. "Base doe you read?",  She asked while not getting anything coming in and that there was little chance she will now. "Scrap conlink's dead. The ship's got to be transmitting a high-frequency scrambler pulse.",  The warrior femme said as she walk back over towards the ship as she knew something was going off. There was little attention that was given to Jack about this whole issue that they're in and little that he knows. "Arcee, okay you're kind of freaking me out here.", The human child said as he tried to keep up with her as seem to walk faster then normal. More like a nervous pace. "Wait here.",  She order him while finally acknowledged his being there. But she made this order while looking deep into the woods. 

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