Season 1 Episode 6: Masters & Students

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No one's pov.

A clip of Megatron flouting closer to the breaking Space Bridge was showing and then zoomed out exploding all  throughout space. "Such a shame, but I applaud you, Megatron. You certainly made a grand exit.",  Starscream said as he watches the clip of Megatron dying over and over since it has happened. The Soundwave enter the room and the recording was on paused. "Ah! Soundwave. Cue the audio visual; I wish to address the troops",  The old commander said as the con started to connected himself to all the computers in the whole ship. There were cons were on their projects until Starscream came on to the screen. "The loss of Megatron, leader of the grace decepticon uprising, is certainly a blow to our cause. Yet we mustn't depais over his tragic demise, but instead embrace his ultimate sacrifice and build upon the foundation he laid. With an even mightier hand. ",  The new leader announced over the ship. Just the one of the con come closer from under the bridge. "With all due respect commander Star- Lord Starscream.",  The con said as he almost gotten himself killed because of the new title that he claimed himself to be. "Yes, yes. What is it?",  The new lord asked while turning to see what con was going to ask as question. "If we failed to conquer Earth under lord Megatron's command? What hope do we have now while the autobots still defend it?",  The con asked while wondering how this whole thing will work since they failed with the great lord Megatron. The old commander sighs deeply as he had a plan for it. "Allow me to be crystal clear. I studied for millennia under out former master. Thus I am equipped to lead you. I, Megatron's true heir, Lord Starscream! Emperor of  destruction!",  The war lord shouted as he gotten into his head once again. All you could hear were whispers going on throughout the ship. Starscream let out a frustrated sighs as he walked off. "What you star troops, who can't rise to the task of inflicting unspeakable destruction in my name. But wait, legend tells of one capable warrior. One who exists here upon this very planet. One who could be student to my master",  He said while thinking on a con who might have been sent here a very long time ago. A dark smirk crosses his face as he thinks who might be the best for the job. 

Back at the autobots' base the leader of them all was standing and looking at a random wall as he faces away from everyone. "Optimus, why so glum? This planet, all planets are finally free from Megatron's tyranny",  The old doc bot said as he tries to cheer up his friend of the death of Megatron. "I do not disagree, Ratchet. It's just, a small part of me hoped to change Megatron's mind and not extinguish hos spark.",  The prime said as he think of the old times he had with Megatron. Also the sound of Optimus voice didn't sound like his calm and heroic one he normal uses. Like it was his old self again. "Optimus, his vileness was not slain by your hand but by his own twisted arrogance. I'm sorry, i know the two of you had quite a history.",  Ratchet try to get the prime hopes a little up, but knowing the past Megatron and Optimus has shared all those years ago made him feel sympathy for his leader. Optimus to a sigh to calm his nerves from the death. 'But the Megatron whom I once fought beside perished eons ago. The day he chose to become a decepticon. The decepticons may be in disarray but they aren't without leadership. And while Starscream is no Megatron. He is far from predictable.",  The prime we knew said as he think of how the new lord of the decepticons was unreadable. Just then a loud explosion came upon the other side of the base a smoke was covering it. "Decepticons! We're under attack!",  The doctor said as the two of them ran over to see what was going on. They stopped when they say a volcano what being made from the smallest child. "It's no attack Ratchet. It's my volcano, was.", Raf said as he kept coughing from the smoke as Bee tried to help him. The flat volcano was on a stand nothing seem to come on. "Hold still Bulkhead. Jupiter need it's red spot.", Miko said as she get some red paint for the solar system of the Milky Way. She drops some paint on the floor and whoopsie. "What in the all spark is going on in here?",  Ratchet asked while looking around the place. Three of the four were going their work. Jack stopped what his was doing and stands up. "Our projects are due tomorrow.", He said as he was working making a motorcycle. "Maybe it needs one of these doohickeys?",  Arcee question while holding apart of the Earth motorcycle. "You're a motorcycle, Arcee. Shouldn't you know how to build a motorcycle engine?", He asked while she was still holding the same thing. "You're a human, Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?",  She asked while giving him the same attitude he gave her. Ratchet only saw the mess that they were making as  he looking at the three who were actually working. "Well, you can't work on these projects in here. You're making a mess.", The doc bot said as he keep seeing only messes. "But the science fair is a big part of our grade.", Raf tries to explain but was soon cut off by Miko. "Yeah! If Bulkhead doesn't help me finish this model of our solar system.", She tries to say but knowing Ratchet. "Oh? And what does Bulkhead know of your solar system or Bumblebee of your volcanoes or -" "Arcee of our motorcycles?", Jack asked while knowing what Ratchet was saying. "Precisely! We're not earthlings and they're not scientists.",  The doctor said as he looked down on them. Alex rolls her eyes and flipped throw a book. She already had her done for a while and didn't need to worried about it. "But the autobots are their guardians, Ratchet. Would it hurt to learn more of Earth by helping our  young friends with their schoolwork?",  Optimus stated as he thought the autobots were very kind to help out their humans. "Well maybe our young friends should try learning more of cybertron.",  Ratchet said as he looked back at the three who were working. Alex got up and went into her bag from something. "If you touch my project. There will be something happening to you.", She said and went to work fixing a remote controller of a toy car. 

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