Chapter 14

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- Molly -

As soon as Molly opened her eyes, the memory of what she had done the night before, flooded her and her face heated as embarrassment set in. If Jimmy had taken three steps inside, he would have seen her... "Oh my God." She groaned.

The apartment was silent so she must be the first one to wake up. That's good. She hadn't been able to talk to Austin at all about what had happened between them since Jimmy had been around all day yesterday. Now she had a chance. She quickly changed from her wrinkled dress and pulled on an oversized t-shirt with a big teddy bear on it and silently walked to Austin's door. She didn't knock, afraid it would wake Jimmy too, and just opened the door. Austin's room was pitch black when the blinds were down, so she left the door cracked. Just enough to get a little light through.

"Austin," she whispered. No response, so she tried again, nudging his shoulder at the same time. "Austin."

His eyes fluttered open, and his dreamy eyes looked around the room confused, before he focused on her. "Molly? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" she hissed, glancing back at the door. "Do you even need to ask me that?"

Austin sat up, frowning. "Molly-"

She shushed him. "No, let me speak before I chicken out, please." When he nodded, she continued. "Okay, so... Oh gosh. What we did, was unexpected, to say the least. I- I don't know why it happened. You're one of my best friends. I-"

"You regret it?" Austin asked.

"What? No. I mean... No." Her face was burning up, and she was grateful that the room was dark so he couldn't see her. "I mean, it's a bit weird, isn't it? But it felt so good damned good."

Austin smirked up at her, but he didn't say anything.

"And yesterday I... When I- and then he- and I didn't stop- Fuck! I am trying to say I'm sorry!" She knew she was rambling.

"Don't say sorry. It was hot as fuck." Austin chuckled.

Molly rolled her eyes, trying to keep the cool she wasn't truly feeling. "Oh, shut up. I am trying to figure out what the fuck we are doing. I mean, I'm not after anything-"

"What do you mean 'anything'?"

"I'm just saying, I know you avoid relationships like the plague, so I'm just making clear that that is not what I'm asking for here."

He looked at her in silence for a moment, before he asked, "Then what are you asking for?"

"You are really gonna make me say it, aren't you?" Molly sighed.

"Definitely. I like to see you getting all flustered." He grinned.

"Fine." Molly gritted between her teeth. "I want to do it again. Have sex, I mean."

Austin raised an eyebrow and she hurried on.

"If you want to of course. If it's even possible to do it without things getting weird. Or at least not weirder. And we can't tell anyone! That will definitely make things weird." She decided to keep the fact that Hannah already knew to herself. "You are one of my best friends and I don't want that to change."

Austin stared at her for a long time, and if she hadn't been able to see his eyes in the dim light seeping through the door, she would have thought that he had fallen back asleep. Her heart was pounding inside her chest, and she felt a bit nauseous. Was he going to say no? She almost flinched when he cleared his throat.

"So let me see if I got this straight. You want us to be secret fuckbuddies? That's your plan? For how long?"

However long you'll have me, she thought. She slapped herself mentally and shrugged, trying to act nonchalantly. "Do we have to decide that now? Until one of us gets bored, I guess?" She just hoped she could keep her heart out of it.

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