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"Get on the bike. Now" I firmly told Tara.
She did as she was told and got on behind me. We both put our helmets on before I was shot in my calf. I growled before firing up my engine and setting off quickly. I looked down at my leg, which was now dripping in blood. I didn't want to go any faster because I was in agony and had Tara with me.
"He's coming on that horse!" She yelled, afraid.
"Hang on tight" I told her and she did. I made a sharp turn to Imp City and sped up until I hit 100mph.
"He's catching up!" She was scared, I could feel he grip getting tighter around my waist.
"Fuck me, how fast can this horse go?!" I shouted in frustration.
I didn't want to speed up, if I needed to break hard, I couldn't change the gears fast enough because of my leg.
"Do you trust me?" I asked.
"What?" Tara was worried now.
"Do you trust me?" I asked again, I could see him readying his pistol.
"Yes" She answered.
"I'm going to speed up to 150mph" I carefully took my hands off the handle bars and took off my armoured jacket. "Put this on, just incase"
"What do you mean-"
"Just put it on" I ordered, and she did.

I began to accelerate the bike, keeping my eye on him in the mirror.
Soon, I saw the Imp City sign.
"When we get to yours, get off and get inside. Fast." I told her. "After I've finished sorting him out, I'll message you when it's safe... you also might want to hold on tighter"
I felt her squeeze me as I drifted around the corners.

I stopped outside Mothers and Tara got off. I waved goodbye and nodded. Stopping made the Lizard catch up and I saw the stallions hooves pounding towards me. I set off but my leg was stinging aggressively now, I'll need to sort it out soon.
I sent him in a huge circle around Imp City before heading into the forest and to the cabin.
When I got there, I basically fell off my bike and dragged myself in. I took my helmet off and winced as it came over the gash on my cheekbone.
I began to clean the blood from my face and leg, but I still needed to get the bullet out. I grabbed a pair of large tweezers, folded up a belt and bit down onto it. I sat down next to my bed with my knees up and took a few deep breaths before digging into my bullet wound with the tweezers. I bit down hard onto the belt and growled in agony as I grasped the bullet with my tweezers and began to pull.
I lost the grip a minute later and as the tweezers slang back and viciously yelled and punched the floor next to me multiple times.

I took a few more breaths as i gritted my teeth and grasped the bullet once more and ripped it out quickly. I screamed out in agony as blood poured from the wound. I quickly took a towel and applied pressure onto the wound to stop the bleeding. I tightly wrapped a bandage around my leg.

I took a few more deep breathes before limping into the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. I looked at the food and decided I couldn't be assed to make anything after literally pulling a bullet from my own leg. So instead I grabbed an energy drink and lit a cigarette and sat down at my desk to check my incomes.

About half an hour later, I could hear hooves outside. I groaned, I really couldn't be assed with this shit right now. I limped over to the door, tiredly, and opened it to find the lizard.
"Look I can't be assed with you right now. Come back later?" I threw him a sarcastic smile.
"That's not the deal. I'm here to-" He began.
"Yeah, yeah I know why you're here, Mother sent you to come and kill me. But unless you gonna do a bullet to my head and make it easy, then come back another day" I raised my eyebrow at him, he seems shocked, almost as if he didn't know what to do.
"Come in, chill out. You're here to kill me and you're gonna do it eventually so you may aswell have a cigarette while you're at it" I explained, opening the door for him.
He walked himself in and began looking around, he still had his pistol in his hand, but he still had the safety on.
I limped over and sat down by my desk to continue my work "do what you want, just don't make a mess"
He started looking at the photos of me and my dad I'd hung up or when I was 15 and did something I was proud of and wanted him to see, I'd take a selfie with whatever it was and draw him in the background. I buried him in the garden, he loved it there. He secretly like to meditate and the forest was the best place to do so.
When I had someone I had to fight away as I knew I wouldn't win, I'd just be super chill and usually it would work out. But if he was actually going to kill me, as long as it was quick and easy, I'd be fine with that, I'd finally be with Dad.
I lit another cigarette, concentrating on my economics, wondering if i was stable enough to buy out another club, I was trying to eventually own Ozzie's but I needed to earn more for that.
About an hour had passed and that Bounty Hunter was still here.
"So when are you planning on killing me?" I yawned. "I'm going to bed soon, and I don't even know your name, so I'd rather you either kill me in my sleep or leave"
"The names Striker" He turned to look at me.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, it wasn't Striker but I knew who it was.
"My Dad would like you to leave now"
I told him.
I had cast a Wiccan spell so my Dad's spirit would stay with me forever, but if he wanted me to break it, he'd knock 5 times on the front door. I wouldn't hear much from him unless I needed help or someone else was in our home.
"Isn't he...?" He asked, I knew what he was trying to say.
I nodded "but he's still here, and now he wants you to leave"  I wasn't asking.

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