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As it got to sunset, I had gone home and packed a bag, I had the tent on the back of my bike, with a blanket and some water. I had just gotten out of the shower by the time Striker showed up. I rushed and answered the door in my towel.

"Hey, I'll be about 10 minutes, sit and chill out or something" I greeted him and went back to the bedroom.
I quickly dried myself and got dressed.
I quickly packed a bag full of pyjamas, my toothbrush and spare clothes. I came from the bedroom with wet hair, Striker was sat by the table and I sat with him, lighting a cigarette and passing him one.
"You ready?" He asked.
"Yeah, you?"
"Indeed, you ready for the scorching days and freezing nights?" He asked.
"I brought a blanket" I smiled "We'll set off East for now, then settle down and sleep around 3 am"
"Okay, me and BombProof can't go as fast as you and your bike so is it okay if you stick to 175" he asked, politely.
"Yeah that's fine, it be fair, that's an amazing speed for a horse" I complimented.
"I brought something for your dad, is that okay?" He sounded nervous.
"Yeah that's fine, cmon" I lead him through to the back garden, to my Dads grave.
He knelt down and laid a horse leash by his grave "This is what he brought BombProof with, he's too big for it now, but I'm hoping he can except this as a thank you, for the best birthday I ever had"
I smiled warmly at him "he'll love it"
Striker stood up "we setting off?"


In the desert, it was now 2am, me an Striker riding side by side, I slowed down slowly, carefully took my helmet off and lit a cigarette before catching up to him.
"You okay?" He shouted over to me.
"Yeah, just getting tired" I yawned.
"We'll stop soon" He was getting tired aswell.
I was freezing, he really wasn't joking about how cold these nights are.

Soon, we came to a halt, I fed BombProof and built wooden area for a fire while Striker hunted a boar, then struggled to set up the tent and I was laughing before helping him. I then set up the inside of the tent while he started the fire. I got into my pajamas and wrapped my blanket around myself while I sat with him while smoking a cigarette, shivering.

"You cold?" He asked, barbecuing the boar meat.
"Yeah freezing, you?" I never thought it would've been this cold.
" sit over here, you'll be closer to the fire"
I came and sat next to him yawning as he passed me some cooked boar and threw the corpse away from us both with his tail. I held mine with my chest, trying to keep it warm.
After I ate my food I got really tired "I'm gonna go to bed"
" yeah me too" he yawned.
We both went into the tent, we were both sleeping on the same blow up bed, but it was huge so we could keep to our separate sides. I lead down with my duvet, he lead on his side with nothing, just himself, shirtless with some loose joggers.
"Aren't you cold!?" I was still shivering.
"A little but I'm used to it, don't worry sugar" he replied.
I got a funny feeling in my stomach "here" I shuffled closer to him and gave him some blanket, he wrapped it around him and shuffled a little closer too.
"Nanight" I yawned.
"goodnight sugar" he replied.
We both dozed off quite fast, travelling is exhausting.

I woke up around 11am, snuggled up to Striker. I was about to panic and move but he smelt amazing, and he was pretty comfy to cuddle. So, instead I nuzzled my face slightly closer to him and drifted back off to sleep

I woke up again, in the middle of the bed and Striker wasn't there, I was confused but it was like 2pm so we we're asleep for about 10 hours, so he was probably getting ready to set off again, I used this opportunity to get dressed and brush my teeth before getting outside.
He was hunting another boar, I gave BombProof some water and a pet before lighting a cigarette I refuelled my bike and started to take the tent down
"Like your cuddles don't you sugar?"  He gave me a toothy grin.
I blushed hard "yeah, sorry about that" I nervously giggled
"Don't worry about it" he grinned, putting the boar on to a fire.
I packed everything onto my bike and in my bag and sat next to him, lighting a cigarette and giving him one.

After breakfast we set off east again, and was riding for what seemed like days...

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