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"So what are we doing first?" I asked Tara.
"What do you mean?" Tara was confused.
"Tattoos, piercings, nails or hair?" I asked.
"Do I choose one?"
"No, you choose the first one, silly" I laughed as I heard her squeal excitedly.
"Piercings, then tattoos, then nails, then hair"
"Hold on" I started to speed up to the piercing and tattoo shop and she clung to my waist.

We got to the piercing shop.
"Can you get one with me? I'm scared it's gonna hurt" She asked nervously.
"Hell yeah! I'll tell you what, because I already have my ceptum, I'm getting my nips pierced, and you get your ceptum done."
"What? Really?" She was shocked but also giggling.
"Hell yeah!" I laughed with her.
We got up to the counter, the woman there looked super nice, she was covered in piercings.
" Hi, I'd like to get both of my nipples pierced and her ceptum" I smiled.
"That's not a problem, who's going first?" The lady smiled.
Tara looked straight to me.
"I'll go" I smiled "can she come in the room too?"
"Indeed she can"
Me and Tara followed the piercer.
I took my shirt off and she pierced the first nipple. I winced lightly with deep breathes.
"Are you okay?" Asked Tara.
"Yeah, it doesn't actually hurt half as bad as you think" I smiled.
"You'll want to get as much air to them as possible so try not to wear a bra as often" the piercer informed me.
Tara was amazed that I didn't scream. The piercer pierced the next one and I tensed again.
I looked in the mirror and smiled to myself before putting my shirt back on.
Tara sat down in the table as the piercer put the clamp on her nose and I held her hand.
When the needle went through, she winced a little.
"See? Not that bad right?" I smiled as she looked in the mirror. She smiled back and hugged me, careful of my boobs now.
"It's not that bad" She giggled.
"That will be £60 please" Asked the piercer.
"Here" I gave her £100 "keep the rest as a tip"
"Are you sure?" She asked.
I nodded and smiled as me and Tara left.

"So what tattoo are you getting?" I asked Tara.
"A snake, wrapped around a rose" She smiled.
This warmed me up inside and I smiled back.
"I'm getting a tribal dragon on my waist, hip and leg" 
We both walked into the tattoo parlour.

After we got out, I lit a cigarette, we were both so happy. We walked towards Basilisk.
"Nails, then hair?" I asked.
"Yeah" She smiled brightly. I drove us both to the nail place and we both picked some gorgeous ones. 2 hours later we came out with hands of models. We went next door to go and get our hair dyed and cut, we both got black and purple, just different patterns.

"Nows for your big present" I told her, getting on my bike.
She got on after me. "Where could we possibly be doing now?"
"You'll see" I told her.

I got off the bike when we got there and covered Tara's eyes. I closed the door behind us and let her see. I had taken her to one of the best apartments that I owned.
"No rent, or bills, you can have pets, friends, party's as much as you would like"
He eyes lit up and started to water as she hugged me.
"Are you okay?" I asked, hugging her back.
"Thank you" she said.
"Hey, it's no problem, don't worry bout it" I smiled at her.
"Here's some money for a takeaway, I've stocked up your cupboards with food, so send me a text when you've run out. You've also got ice cream in the fridge"
"But I don't have a phone anymore" she said quietly.
"You do now" I handed her a brand new iPhone. "This is my number, call me when you run out of food or when you need anything"
"You're stocked up with booze, invite over some friends" I walked towards the door "I'll see you soon"
"I love you sis" She said.
"I love you too" I walked from the apartment and had a cigarette next to my bike before riding home.
Me and Tara had the same birthday, but I never told her that because I didn't want her to feel as though she had to pay for me, I just wanted her happy, safe and out of Krystal's house.

When I arrived home, I parked my bike next to BombProof and went inside, taking off my helmet and leathers. My feet were killing so I sat down at the table and had a cigarette.
"How was your day?" Striker asked "you hair looks nice"
"Thank you" I smiled "we got piercings, tattoos and our nails done too, I gave her one of my apartments to live in so I could get her away from Krystal"
"Sounds like you've had a good day" He smiled "what did you both get?"
"She got her ceptum pierced and a snack and rose tattoo, I got my nips pierced and a dragon tattoo"
"Nips....plural?" He seemed shocked.
"Don't you like it?" I asked.
"No, I do like it but one of my mates got his done, and he yelled, said it hurt loads" he explained.
"It doesn't hurt that bad, most the piercer got from me was a tense" I answered
"You never fail to impress me" He mentioned, sitting with me.
"What do you mean?" I blushed a little.
"First off, after living on your own since 12, you own half of the city, you pulled a bullet from your own leg, you survived a 50ft fall with nothing but a bruise, you made 5 massive guys back off when they pushed you, everyone said it was impossible for a boa to survive a night in the desert, you survived 10, and now you've got both of your nips pierced" he explained "how does one do all that?"
"I don't know" I laughed softly "I'm just stubborn"
He laughed with me.

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