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*authors note, this is a lot like Annie but oh well*

"get back here!" I scream towards the 3 teens harassing a stray dog. "Get him!" One of them shouts. ",Is said stop it asshats!" I shout in a frustrated voice.

I chased the teens towards a dead end near the bakery on 6th Street. "Shit dead end!" I hear one of them yell before stopping quickly. "Listen boys," the taller one says looking at me, "what is this little kid gonna do anyway? Huh?" He said looking around with his hands in balls by his hips.

"Just leave the dog alone, ok?" I try to reason with them, giving them an opportunity. "Oh and what are you gonna do?" The taller one asked, grabbing me by my collar, while his friends grab an arm each.i wait a moment I kick my leg as hard as I can into his nuts, in shock his friends let go, giving me an opportunity to beat them. I stood with my fists up, although I was scared shirtless I put up a fight. "Go on! Get her!" The older demanded, still on the ground in pain.

"HEY!" I heard someone shout. The tennis scattered over the dumpsters, falling alot in the process.

The man came running over to me. "You ok kid?" He asked. "Yeah, but I could've got them, easily. "I say frustrated they had gotten away with what they had done.

"Well where ya from?" I ask, making conversation. "Boston, how did you know I wasn't from here?" he asked dumb-founded. "Your accent duh?" I say as we walk from 6th Street to the park over the road, as he insisted on walking me home. "What's your name mister?" I ask. "My name's Chris, yours?" He's said putting his hand out to shake.

"Chris, like Chris Pratt?" I say looking at him. He chuckled, "what about you?" He asked. "I was told to never tell strangers my information, now if you excuse me, I have to go. GOODBYE MR PRATT!" I shout towards him running back towards the apartment.

"Watch it kid" he shouts back.

Chris pov

"Who was that?" Asked Anthony m. "Nobody, nobody at all" I reply, sighing and walking off.

"Ok" said Anthony, shrugging his shoulders and wandering of for some more coffee.

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