meeting with marvel•

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Alot is happening today, Char's gonna meet her new parents, and I've got a meeting with marvel.

So when my alarm went of on a Saturday morning at 6 am, I was not happy. I groaned and sat up, I could feel my hair was tatted like I had been dragged through a bush.

I flung myself out of my bed- which consisted of a mattress on the floor with a thin blanket and my jacket as a pillow- and rolled onto the cold wooden floor.

I sneakily crept over to the bathroom and put on the shower. Obviously, I had to have a cold shower because people keep using up all the hot water. I shivered as I exited the shower bathroom, I tiptoed over to my bed where I kept some makeup- that my or my not have been stolen- just some low-coverage foundation and some mascara. I put on my 'borrowed' makeup and turned to my hair.

My hair is naturally wavy, so I normally just leave it to dry on my own, and that is what I did. What? I'm not going to change my daily routine for a stupid meeting. I put in a claw clip to keep my hair out of the way then I went out of the window onto the fire exit.

I climbed all the way to the top of the building and sat down. I pulled out my book I stashed under my jacket and opened up to the first page. I also borrowed this new book 'it ends with us' and I heard about a sequel, so I can't wait to borrow that either.

"Pep? PEPWAKEUPYOUSTUPIDIDOTIMGOINGTOMISSTHEONECJANCEIHAVEINLIFEIFYOUDONTWAKEUP." I heard an whipser from below me. "Dude, she's dead!" I heard a shout which made me groan unamused.

"False call, sorry." I heard char say, looking up at me from the top of the fire exit. "What? What time is it?" I asked panicked, realising I had falling asleep.

"9:40, why?" Char asked confused. "Shart fuck shit." I panicked. "Hurry pep! I'm going to miss my chance." Whined Missy from the window.

I grabbed my book and followed Char, climbing down the unsafe and unpractical fire exit.

We snuck out of the door, even though we didn't have to because Acerson or 'Ass'erson is passed out on the couch right now. I held Missy's hands as we ran towards the building I had been asked to go to. It was huge, it had alot of trailers with a massive building in the middle, larger than my school.

I walked up to front gate to so a muscular man who was bald. "Hi, I'm here for a meeting." I said smiling. "Aren't you a little young to be here?" He laughed nodding at other muscular bald men who were positioned around the gate. "Aren't you a little bald to be out in the sun?" I answered back, raising my eyebrows. he looked at me shocked, before grabbing me by the shoulders and turning me around "what you mouth kid before i-" he began to say. "Do what?" Asked a voice from behind us.

The man turned in horror, "nothing sir." He answered. "That's what I thought, come in kids, we've got the meeting ready." He encouraged us to come closer.

Ngl I was skeptical, what if he was a pedo. "Ok." I answered happily, grabbing Missy's hand a leading her through the gate. "So what's your name?" I asked trying to make small talk. "Chris, yours?" He answered. "I'm Pepper, this is Missy." I replied and silent laughed about his name. All of a sudden the dudes name me a Char met like 5 years ago has been coming up lately, crazy huh?

"Here we are." He said, opening the door and entering. I followed quickly behind, still holding Missy's hand. "AHH, here's the star!" Said a man, walking over to missy and bending down to her level. "Hi." She said shyly, then she looked up at me asking for help. "This is Missy, I'm Pepper." I answered, holding out my hand for him to shake.

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