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Get home from school, take missy to work, go to work, go to missy, sit as missy finish scenes. Get taken home by Chris, he recognises the place. We go in, Acerson is drunk. Sleep, Saturday. Bring homework to work with missy.

I groan as my head thuds on the wall of my room. Missy pokes me and smiles "we're going to be late butthead." She says sweetly, in a sarcastic way. "your mean, you know that?" I joke, wincing from the terrible migraine and the no sleep... Are they linked, possibly. Am I going to link them...? No.

Once again, we sneek past miss Acerson and head it the front door. I see our neighbour and I smile at him, saying pleasantries at being friendly as he's a well known drug dealer, meaning he can protect us. Well, that's my thought process anyways...

We make our way down the streets on new York. Missy grappled onto my hand for dear life as we get to the gate, I see the bald security guard. I smile not saying anything, he looks surprised and open the gate, me and missy walk through and missy looks at me, I wink at her and turn around to face him " don't forget to slather your blad head with suncream! It's a hot one out today!" I shoat towards him, smiling cheekily as we enter. I say hi to Claire and we enter the filming studio, "MISSYYY." Smiles seb, missy runs of and almost tackles him to the ground. I walk slower and less aggressivly behind her, placing her bag on the floor next to the sofa. I look for a more responsible adult, I smile seeing Joe. I walk closer to him, waving slightly.

"Hi Joe... Just to let you know anything missy asks for will be in that bag." I point to a pink and purple bag, "my phone number is written on the inside tag if she needs anything, I have to head to work." I sigh, smiling softly. "No problem pepper, I'm sure she'll be fine." He smiles at me, pulling me into a hug again. Damn I need to work on these.

He hugs me and I pat his back, not really knowing what to do. He pulls away and smiles, "see you kid!" I says, before getting distracted with director things. I walk back towards the door and shout towards missy who is with Sebastian and a few other, "missy, I'm off!" I tell her, leaving the room as she waves at me.

Eventually I hear the beautiful sound of Mrs Smith's jolly voice. "Girl!" She croaked "PAINT THEM, NOW!" She now screamed like in the half deaf one. I sigh and nod, walking over to the scenery and I started to paint. 5 hours go by and I lay on my back, it aching. Cursing myself for my future back pain, I stand up and stretch not bothering to change from my dirty, paint covered overall i clean up and leave for the studio.

The streets were dark, but I was only 5 minutes away at this point. All of a sudden a man ran passed me and grabbed 5$ out of my pocket. I look down in shock before starting the chase, "GET BACK YOU BASTARD." I screamed, I ran through a back alley and ran into him full force, making him hit the ground, groaning. Snatching the $5 back I kick him in the leg, "prick." I mumble, hurrying away before he got back up.

I was now a few minutes late, it was 6:04pm, I sped into the lounge area, put of breath. Missy was sat, all happy as could be with Chris, Robert and Anthony. "Sorry I'm late, attempted mugging." I sigh, walking over to missy before realising what I said, "WHAT?" Choked rdj, I laughed, "oh, erm, joking." I cover it up, picking up missy and throwing her bag across my shoulder, Robert stops me.

"Not so fast kid, you need to explain why we saw you at the er... Bar, last night." He raises his eyebrows in a fatherly manner, I Mimick his tone "I was there because er... Work." I reply, he gives me a stern look and I stop my joking around.  "I need the money." I sigh, I put missy down letting her run off so she doesn't need to hear my problem. Sitting down next to them, I stare. "I'll give you money!" Anthony says like it's the best idea ever, "absolutely not." I scoff, no way was I taking him money. "Listen, I'm alright working. I'm used to it." I reply, thinking that makes it better. "Is there anyway we can help you?" Chris speaks up, looking up.

"If you wanted... One of you guys could drop me and missy off. That mugging wasn't a joke." I mumble the last part, Chris agrees and he stands up, grabbing his car keys. I see missy speaking to the tall, Thor chris. I smile at her, "alright kiddo, Chris e offered to drop us off. So say thank you, okay?" I hurry her along, waving goodbye to the rest of the cast.

We hop on his car and he begins to drive and I give him directions. "Huh..." He says, in a confused expression. "What?" I laugh at his confused, "it's just... Last time in was in new York, like two years ago I came to the block..." He replies, parking the car. "Oh... small world I guess." I smile, I thank him profusely as we hop out of the car "thank you!" Me and missy wave as we enter the apartment building. We make our way up and I can hear miss Acerson dancing around the apartment. I lock and await the furry.

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