Chapter 1: New job, new beginning

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Ah, Hell. Aint it a...Pretty terrible place. Theres Imps, Succubi, Overlords and you, Y/n L/n, a condeemed sinner. You have been dead and stuck in hell for over two years. You have always thought to yourself, "why did i get sent to hell?...I thought i was a good person...". You werent a good person. You indirectly murdered someone when you were alive. Its best you dont think about that for now though.

You currently work a job at Wendys. (Yes, there are Wendys' in hell, dont question it.) It doesnt pay well and its really depressing you, but you have no choice, you need to pay rent for your shitty apartment somehow.

Cut to you in the staff break room after a few hours of working. You're sitting on an uncomfortable bench while you drink a coke. A few minutes later, your Manager walks into the break room and approaches you.

Manager: Y/n.

Y/n: Uh, y-yes? Is there something w-wrong?

Manger: I guess there is something wrong. To put it simply, im firing you.

Y/n: H-huh!? But why? I havent d-done anything wrong!

Manger: Yeah, you're right! You havent done anything wrong! The only reason im firing you is because no one here actually likes you. Including me.

Y/n: I-is that even legal?

Manger: Eh, its hell. What actually is legal down here.

Y/n: W-well...How do you expect me to pay my rent?

Manger: I couldnt care any less about your rent. You could be homeless and i still wouldnt care.

Y/n: You d-dick...

Manger: Insult me all you want. Now get out, im really resisting the urge to stab you right now.

Y/n: F-fine...

You stand up and sadly cross your arms as you slowly walk out of the resturant. You walk through the streets of hell as your eyes fill with tears.

Y/n: What the fuck do i do now...

You eventually make it back to your small apartment. You open the door and walk to your couch and plop yourself on to it.

Y/n: I guess i can try and take my mind of what just happened...

You take your phone out of your pocket and start scrolling through some different apps. You start to cheer up a little bit before an advertisment pops up on your phone. You usually ignore any advertisments you get but this one intrested you. As you look at it you find out that its a small assination company called IMP looking for a new memeber to hire.

Y/n: Huh... I dont really have much experiance with killing people...But its still something i could try it out, i guess. Its also looks like it pays better than wendys did!

You save the address of IMP to your phone and quickly leave your apartment. As you walk through the streets of hell, you wonder to yourself if your new boss is going to be better than your last one, but you will find that out soon.

After ten minutes of walking, you finally make to the outside of IMP. You open the doors and slowly walk up to the hellhound called Loona, at the reciptionists desk. She doesnt pay any attention to you and is distracted by her phone.

Y/n: Uh...Excuse me ma'am?

Loona: Yeah, whats up.

Y/n: Um...I saw one of your ads online and it said that you guys were looking for someone to hire. Is that job still open?

Loona: Yep, it is. I'll pass you on to my boss and you can talk to him about it.

Y/n: Okay, thanks!

Loona: Uh-huh, his office is down there, he should be in there.

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