Chapter 18: Guys night

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(Yep, im officially back from my break. Now enjoy!)

Another boring day at work at the studio for you, eh? Another 'work' filled day of just talking to the incubi. You really cant complain though, im sure you would rather talk all day than doing any actual work.

Y/n: God this is so damn boring...

Ace: Yeah i feel the same way Y/n. Almost every single fucking day is spent doing no work, and instead we just talk about the most boring ass topics.

Kat: And honestly, if we keep talking to each other about boring things everyday, then soon enough our opinions of eachother will change. We will all think that we're boring, then we'll stop wanting to be friends because of it.

Josh: Normally we'd tell you to shut up Kat, but you're making too much sense...

Y/n: Yeah Kat's making way too much sense... if we do keep talking to eachother about boring shit like we've been doing recently, then our friendship will soon be non-existant! We cant let that happen!

Ace: Yeah we really cant! I dont want to stop being friends!

Josh: ...

Ace: Ah- B-but i'll always be your boyfriend Josh!

Josh: ... :)

Kat: So, what do we do? We clearly dont want to stop being friends, so what do we do to prove to eachother that we're not boring?

Y/n: Hm... we need to do something fun, exciting...

Josh: Fun and exciting? Didnt we do something that fits that criteria last week?

Y/n: Are you talking about the beach trip? That wasnt fun! We nearly drowned and we nearly killed Kat like three times!

Josh: Fair point...

Y/n: Hmm... oh! How about a guys night out!

Ace: Guys night out?

Kat: What would we do exactly?

Y/n: We could get drunk in a bunch of bars around the gluttony ring! Then we could visit all of the different strip clubs in the lust ring!

Josh: That... actually sounds super fun! I'd be down for that!

Ace: Me too! I havent done something like that in ages!

Kat: I guess i'll come too.

Y/n: Okay sweet, we're all in then!

Ace: Will it just be us though? Or are we gonna invite a couple of other dudes?

Y/n: Hm, we should invite Tex! We do like nothing with him. He has like twenty lines through out this whole fanfic, thats how under-used he is.

Josh: Aww yeah! Tex would be sick to drink with!

You look over to Vortex, he's standing by the exit doors scrolling on his phone. You shout over to him.

Y/n: Hey Tex!

Vortex looks up from his phone, then walks over to you and the incubi.

Vortex: Yeah? Whats up Y/n?

Y/n: Would you like to go out with us tonight for a guys night out? We'll be going to the gluttony and lust ring, it'll be sick!

Vortex: Heh, sure! Ive got nothing better to do.

Y/n: Yes! We're happy to have you Tex.

Ace: Should we invite someone else?

Kat: Who else do we even know?

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