Chapter 6: A day out with Verosika Mayday

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So, Verosika decided to give you day off today. You found that weirdly nice of her but you arent complaining about it. Though, you have been thinking non stop about what Vortex told you yesterday. He told you that Verosika likes to bully people she likes as a friend or more than a friend. You have no idea if Verosika actually likes you or she has a fetish for bullying you. Should you bring it up next time you see Verosika? You decide to just not bring it up to her at all and just wait until the time is right for her.

You wake up a little later than usual, 10:30 Am to be exact. You get out of bed and put on some casual pants and a hoodie. You walk out of your room and you walk into the kitchen.

Y/n: Hmm...What should i have for breakfast...?

You end up deciding to have some toast. You grab some bread and put it in the toaster.

Y/n: Hm. I wonder what i should do today.

Your toast eventually pops out of the toaster. You take the toast and put it on a plate before walking into the living room. Yes, you eat toast without anything on it because you are boring. You sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. The default channel when you turn on the tv is 666 news, so you decide to watch it.

Y/n: I wonder what the news is talking about today.

News reporter: We have recent news here today that the one and only princess of hell has set up a hotel that rehabilates demons to get them into heaven. She's calling it the happy hotel. What a bitch.

Y/n: ha, is she dumb? You cant rehabilate a demon, its fucking impossible! This is fucking hilarious.

News reporter: In other news, The succubus popstar Verosika Mayday, hosted a concert last night that sold over 800,000 tickets. Those tickets have made Verosika Mayday 1.5 million Mammon dollars richer. This concert is going down as the biggest concert in hell history.

Y/n: Sweet Lucifer! 1.5 million Mammon dollars!? I better get a fucking raise!

You continue watching the news for a little while until you look at your phone and realise that you got a text from Verosika.

Verosika: Hey loser, u wanna do somethin' with me today?

Y/n: Why?

Verosika: Cuz im bored.

Y/n: So you want me to do something with you, just for you to bully me all day?

Verosika: Yeah, its not like u have anything better to do today.

Y/n: Yeah you're right.

Verosika: Sweet, i'll pick you up in 5 minutes.

Y/n: Okay

You finish eating your toast and then you leave your apartment to wait outside for Verosika. A few minutes go by and Verosika pulls up infront of you in her car.

Verosika: Get in, bitch.

Y/n: O-okay Verosika.

You open the car door and sit beside Verosika. Verosika starts the car and starts driving.

Y/n: Soooo, where are we going?

Verosika: I was thinking we could go to the beach.

Y/n: Really? If i knew that i would have brung a towel and other beach stuff.

Verosika: We're not going to do normal beach stuff, idiot. We're just going to enjoy the scenery there.

Y/n: Oh, okay.

You notice that Verosika isnt like her normal talkative self and she isnt insulting you as much as normal. She also seems a little...Sad.

Y/n: So i heard that you made 1.5 million Mammon dollars from the concert last night.

"You're cute~" [Verosika Mayday x shy male reader]Where stories live. Discover now