Chapter 10: Meeting the Goetias

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So, you're after-life has become a lot better ever since you started dating Verosika. You feel more confident, less depressed and over all, you feel a lot better about yourself. You can only hope that good things will continue to come to you but, that is not a guarantee. But hey, if bad things do happen to you, you have Verosika to help and cheer you up.

Anyway, you wake up at 11 Am, the latest you've woken up in a long time but you can get away with it because its your day off. You get out of bed and put on some casual pants and Verosika's hoodie that she gave you yesterday. You leave your room and walk into the living room. You sit down on your couch and start thinking about what you should do today.

Y/n: I could...Play some videogames...nah, there's nothing good to play...I could watch t.v but there are really no good t.v shows or movies out right now...Fuck im so bored...

As you're lost in thought, you hear a knock on your front door. You get off the couch and go over to the front door. You open the door and you see Verosika, smiling at you.

Verosika: Hey Y/n!

Verosika tightly hugs you.

Y/n: Goodmorning Verosika!

Verosika lets go of her hug.

Y/n: So, what are you here for? Is someone at the studio sick? Do you need me to take their shift?

Verosika: No, nothing like that. I just need to talk to you about something. May i come in?

Y/n: Uh, of course.

You and Verosika walk into your apartment. You lead her into the living room and sit down beside her on the couch.

Verosika: No offence, your apartment is quite...Shitty.

Y/n: Yeah well, the plan is to move out of here as soon as possible.

Verosika: Well who knows, maybe one day you can move into my mansion.

Y/n: ah, that would be great. Anyways, what do you need to talk to me about?

Verosika: Oh, right. So early today i got a call from, uh, prince Stolas.

Y/n: Wait, THE prince Stolas? L-like the royal bird dude?

Verosika: Yeah, that one. Anyway, he called me because he wanted me to set up a private concert for his daughter's 18th birthday. He wants me to go to his palace in an hour to talk more about it.

Y/n: Okay, what does that have to do with me?

Verosika: Well, i really dont want to go talking to those royal fuck by myself, so i wanted you to come for some company!

Y/n: Eh, its not like i have any thing better to do today. Sure i'll come with. Plus, it would be cool to meet demon royalty.

Verosika: Oh, thank you babe!

Verosika kisses your face multiple times, leaving a bunch of lipstick marks on your face.

Y/n: (sighs contently) Mmm, no problem sweetie...

You wipe the lipstick marks off your face.

Verosika: We should go now though so we arent late.

Y/n: Alright, lets go then!

You follow Verosika outside to her car. She gets in the drivers seat and you get in the seat beside her. She starts the car and begins driving.

You and Verosika eventually make it to the Goetia palace.

Y/n: Holy shit, this place is massive!

Verosika: Yeah, so it is.

You and Verosika get out of the car and approach the front doors. Verosika knocks on one of the doors. A few seconds go by and a small imp butler opens the door.

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