Chapter 22: Anniversary

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To the average demon, this day in Hell is like any other. But, you are not an average demon. Today is your one year anniversary of being Verosika's boyfriend. An important day indeed.

You wake up nice and early with a loud yawn. You look next to you and see Verosika, wide awake and holding you closely and tightly.

Verosika: Good morning! Do you know what day it is!?

Y/n: Oh, i dont know, let me just thin- its our Anniversary, obviously!

Verosika: Yay, you remembered!

Y/n: Of course i did! The day you became my girlfriend was the greatest day of both my life and my after-life. I could never forget it.

Verosika: Awwh, thats so sweet!

Verosika kisses your cheek softly.

Verosika: Im just... so shocked.

Y/n: At what?

Verosika: That... our relationship has lasted a whole year. Before you, i havent had a relationship last longer than a month. I thought you would be the same, but... here we are now!

Y/n: Honestly, its crazy to think you hated me in the beginning. Heh.

Verosika: Well, i never really hated you, i was just... hiding my feelings.

Y/n: I know, i know, i was just joking around a little bit.

Verosika: Anyway, did you get me anything?

Y/n: Well, did you get me anything?

Verosika: ... A gift totally slipped my mind, sorry...

Y/n: Its okay, i understand, Verosika! You always have next year.

Verosika: Yeah, i guess so...

Y/n: Verosika, seriously, dont feel bad! Im not bummed out at all!

Verosika: I-I dont care, i should have got you something...

Y/n: Verosika, your existance is already a gift, i promise you.

Verosika blushes slightly.

Verosika: Heh... you always know how to flatter me.

Y/n: That i do. Anyway, i did get you something.

You reach your hand down the side of the bed, and pull up a framed picture of you and Verosika. The picture was taken over a year ago, it was the ride back home after Verosika's concert. In the picture, Verosika is sleeping on your shoulder.

Verosika: Oh Lucifer... Y/n, was this after that concert that happened like a year ago?

Y/n: Yep!

Verosika: Heh, oh my, its so embarrassing, im drooling on your shoulder and everything, but... its still a beautiful picture, and an important memory.

Y/n: You should have heard some of things you said that night too: "Im going to sleep on your shoulder because its comfy" something along those lines.

Verosika chuckles.

Verosika: Oh my, i really said that?

Y/n: Yeah, it was adorable though, so dont worry about it.

Verosika: Oh Y/n, there you go flattering me again...

You and Verosika sit in silence for a moment.

Verosika: So... what should we do today?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Verosika: Well, it is our anniversary, so we should do something...

Y/n: Hmmm...

Verosika: And i dont want a simple dinner at a fancy restaurant, we do that all the time. I want something heartfelt...

Y/n: Hm... im trying to think here...

Verosika: Hmm... Oh! I have an idea!

Y/n: Oh? What is it?

Verosika: Oh, just wait until sunset, then you'll see.

Y/n: Sunset!? The sun has just risen a few minutes ago! I have to wait until sunset!?

Verosika: Listen! Sunset will make the setting for my plan more romantic, just trust me here.

Y/n: Alright...

Verosika: Hehe, you'll love what i have planned.

~time skip~
~A beach?~

Y/n: A beach? Is... this all you had planned, Verosika?

Verosika: Ah, its not just any beach. Think harder and take a closer look.

Y/n: Uh, okay?

You look around the beach as you think. Suddenly, a memory hits you. This is the same beach Verosika took you to a year ago. The same beach where her feelings for you became obvious...

Y/n: Oh my god... is this the beach you took me to because you wanted to spend time with me, but you were sad the whole time because you liked me and didnt want to say it?

Verosika: Yep, this is the one.

Y/n: Wow... but why here?

Verosika: Because... on that day, in this exact place, is when my feelings for you became true... this is where i realized: Im in love with you.

Y/n: Wow, so there is emotion to it...

Verosika: Yeah...

Y/n: I remember, we sat on a bench here, and you shouted at me, tears in your eyes, because i was worried about you.

Verosika: Yeah... heh, how ive changed, huh?

Y/n: Yeah, you've changed so, so much...

Verosika: Say, why dont we go and sit on the very bench we're talking about and enjoy the view of the sunset?

Y/n: That sounds like a plan.

You and Verosika walk along the beach, and find the bench. You both sit on it. You wrap your arm around Verosika, and she rests her head on your shoulder. You both stare off into the sunset over the sea.

Verosika: Its beautiful...

Y/n: Not as beautiful as you.

Verosika: Sweet Lucifer Y/n, cheesy as always.

Y/n: You love me for it though.

Verosika: You're right, i absolutely do. I love everything about you Y/n.

Y/n: And i love everything about you, my sweet succubus.

Verosika: I love you so much... please, never, ever leave me... Ever.

(Sorry the chapter was a little bit shorter. I just wanted this chapter to be sweet and wholesome. The next chapter is the final chapter, so i just wanted to get something wholesome in. I'll repeat that, the next chapter is the FINAL chapter.)

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