Chapter 5: The concert

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So, Verosika is starting to show her true colours towards you. She was only acting all nice so she could gain your trust and now she's, to put it simply, bullying you. You dont know why she's bullying you now but if you end up asking her, she would probably call you a slur. You have been afraid to go into work because of Verosika, but luckily you havent had to deal with her for the last week because she gave you a week off to get prepared for her concert.

You wake up at 10 AM, like usual. You wake up in a good mood because you think you still dont have to go into work. You check your phone to see that its actually the day of the concert and you have to go to work in half an hour. This has quickly put you in a bad mood.

Y/n: FUCK!

You angrily jump out of bed and punch a wall


You look down at your knuckles and notice that they're bleeding.

Y/n: For fuck sake... I should wrap up my knuckles...

You open your closet and put on some casual clothes. You walk out of your room and you walk into the kitchen. You open a drawer and pull out some bandages and you wrap your knuckles with them.

Y/n: There, better...(sigh) I should probably get to work...

You leave your apartment and start making your way to work. On your walk to work, you keep hoping that maybe, just maybe, Verosika wont bully you.

You eventually make it to the parking lot and you see Verosika and her posse standing around a big transportation van with boxes of musical insturments around it.

Verosika: Finally, Y/n's here! I thought you fuckin' died bitch! Now, get over here and pack these boxes, fucktard!

Y/n: (sigh) Okay Verosika...

You walk over to the van and you start packing boxes into the back of the van. This is a hard job for you because the musical stuff is heavy and you're a pretty scrawny guy.

Y/n: Fuck, are these boxes filled with musical stuff or fucking bricks!?

Vortex: Do you need some help, dude?

Y/n: N-no, im fine Tex.

Ace: Are you sure little guy? You look like you're really struggling.

Y/n: Im fucking fine! This is my fucking job! You Worry about yours and i'll worry about mine!

Vortex: Sweet Lucifer! Chill out man!

Ace: Yeah, chill the fuck out dude!

Y/n: (sigh) Im sorry guys...Im just a little stressed right now...

Vortex: If you dont mind me asking, why are you stressed?

Y/n: Well, its just Verosika...

Vortex: Verosika? What about her?

Y/n: Well...She's started bullying me for no reason! And she was only acting nice to me originaly so that the pain of her bullying me would sting more!

Vortex: Oh really...I think i have a reason why she's being like that towards you...

Y/n: Really? Tell me!

Vortex: Maybe now isnt a good time. Just finish packing the boxes so we can go.

Y/n: Alright Tex.

You finish up packing the boxes. Vortex gets in the driver's seat of the van and Verosika sits beside him, while the rest of the posse get in the back of the van. The only seat available is the seat beside Verosika so you get in the van and sit beside her.

"You're cute~" [Verosika Mayday x shy male reader]Where stories live. Discover now