Chapter 13: The Goetia birthday

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A/N: Im so sorry that this chapter has been released later than usual. I have had some personal issues recently and because of that, the next few chapters will also be released later than usual. I hope you all understand. Anyways, on to the chapter.

So, last week was the sickest you have ever felt in your life and your after-life. You eventually concluded that you caught your sickness from the human world, that place is known for being disease filled. Lucky for you, Verosika decided to drop by and give you a bunch of attention, which made you feel better. And over the past weak, you have been quickly getting better and just in time too, as you will need to feel well for the day your about to have.

Anyways, you wake up at ten Am. You groan from being tired and take your phone to check the date and time.

Y/n: Ugh, its that Goetia princess' birthday today...I totally forgot that Verosika is hosting a private concert for her...I really dont want to go but Verosika is gonna make me go...

You sigh and get out of bed. You scramble through your closet and find some casual clothes to wear. You put the clothes on and leave your room.

As your about to walk into the living room, you get a text from Verosika.

Verosika: Heyyy, im outside, hurry up or else we're gonna be late.

Y/n: Babe, do i really have to go to this birthday?

Verosika: Well, i would like you to...If you dont, i would be lonely :(

Y/n: What do you mean "lonely"? Arent the rest of the crew gonna be there?

Verosika: Well, yes, but it would really make me sad if my boyfriend didnt come with me:(

Y/n: ...I'll be outside in a minute.

You sigh, and grab the gift wrapped present you got for the princess before leaving your apartment. You got the Princess a book about atrology, because the only thing you know about the Goetias, is that they study stars and shit.

You walk out of the apartment complex and see Verosika parked in her car, waiting for you. You get in the seat beside Verosika.

Verosika: Goodmorning babe!

Y/n: Goodmorning.

Verosika starts the car and begins driving.

Verosika: Whats that? Your gift to Octavia?

Y/n: Oh this? Yeah it is.

Verosika: What is it?

Y/n: Its a book about astrology. I know jack-shit about The Goetias, all i know is that they have a fetish for stars.

Verosika: Oh, well im sure she'll like it! Its nice of you to get her a gift at all.

Y/n: Yeah i guess so. Did you get her anything?

Verosika: I got her a guitar because all goth kids like guitars.

Y/n: W-what? Where the fuck did you get that from!? Since when does every goth kid like guitars!?

Verosika: I-i dont know! I just read online that 80 percent of goth kids like guitars!

Y/n: Okay, but what are you gonna do if Octavia is in the 20 percent that dont like guitars!?

Verosika: I dont know...Lets just hope that she's in the 80 percent!

Y/n: (Sigh) Okay...Sorry for getting aggresive there, im sure she'll like the guitar.

Verosika: Its fine, i know you're mad that you have to go to this party, its understandable that you would get aggressive.

Y/n: Thanks for understanding...

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