Chapter 1 (stardust speedway the depths)

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(As metal sonic laid at the depths of stardust speedway his systems suddenly activated)

(system recalibrating backup energy in use audio receptors online optics online voice modual corrupted
Damage is 95 percent reboot authorized....)

(Reboot complete physical analysis active please wait .... one of your legs hydraulics are broken your optic viser is cracked and your jet engine has been destroyed beyond repair)

*After hearing the bad news metal sonic sits up and looks around to see hes in some sort of scrap yard
In a glitchy messed up voice metal sonic speaks

*metal sonic* how long have I been here?

You have been deactivated for 24 years

*metal sonic* seriously? Great well I gotta get out of here before anything happens

Metal sonic started to somewhat crawl around to find something he could use something as a crutch and walk out of this junkyard

After looking for half an hour he found an old rifle looking device and used that as a crutch and began looking for the exit

While traveling the junkyard metal sonic found some old parts from other bots made by eggman and made a makeshift brace on his leg and was able to somewhat walk properly

as Metal sonic thought he kept repeating one thing in his head

*he left me.. robotnik left me to rust and die*

Metal sonic decided at that moment he would never go back to robotnik again and if he found him he decided that robotnik will wish he never made him

It took him the entire day but he finally made it to the exit of the scrap yard

*metal sonic* finally freedom i can leave this place and live peacefully

But Right as metal sonic got to the gate and opened..

*???*HOLD IT

Metal sonic turned around to see two guards Cautiously approaching him

*metal sonic* there a problem here?

*Guard 1* yes we aren't allowed to let any "scrap " leave the premises

*metal sonic* you serious? I'm not scrap you can clearly see that I still function!Forget this!

metal sonic starts to walk awaybut then the guards step in front of him with stun batons at the ready

*metal sonic* you really don't want to do this?

*Guard 2* were sorry man but we have no choice

The first guard charges metal sonic but misses metal sonic proceeds to kick him in the gut knocking the wind out of him and then delivered an overhead strike knocking him out

He looked at the other guard who still had intent of attacking

*Metal sonic* come on you both started this so you finish this

The guard charged him hitting him with the baton but it broke off of metal sonics head
Metal then took his makeshift crutch and slammed the top of it in the guards face and then broke it over the back of his head

*metal sonic* im sorry but you both gave me no choice

Metal sonic walks away from the junkyard journeying to the next city now on a mission

*Metal sonic* i am no longer robotniks puppet I will protect everyone on this planet and get revenge on him

Metal sonic looks up at a sign to the nearest city


*metal sonic* guess my new adventure starts in a city of movies


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