chapter 25 (METAL SONICS REDEMPTION) finale!

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*Hyper mecha* how... HOW DID YOU DO THIS?!

*hyper metal* its all thanks to X... and with this new power your reign will END!!!

Mecha just stood there bewildered but then he chuckled and then it went into a full blown mad laughter he then collected himself and looked at metal


just then metal shot towards mecha at lightning speed striking him and knocking the wind out of him he then delivered a spin kick sending mecha flying through multiple pillars and mountains. Metal then approached mage and bolt head and put his hands to they're heads

*bolt head* what was that?

*hyper metal* im giving you both some knowledge you can decide when its time to use it

Metal then turned back around to see mecha peeling himself off the mountain and then teleport near him

*hyper mecha* the hell was that?!

*hyper metal* heh... sorry but you left yourself wide open while having your moment

*hyper mecha* so you think going hyper will be enough to stop me?

*hyper metal* actually yeah it will be!... we'll just have to find out how your life ends...

They both then slowly floated into the air staring each other down

*hyper metal* but the end of this day... one of us will be dead

*hyper mecha* finally something we can agree on! Now lets END THIS

Just then metal powered up causing a bright blue aura surround him and mecha powered up as well a dark red aura surrounding him. From ground level they looked as though they were orbs of light and out of nowhere they blasted off towards each other they're clash causing the earth below them to crumble and then they began fighting so fast that the naked eye couldn't keep up.

*little metal* I cant follow they're movements!

Just then they reappeared within sight and a chase ensued metal leading mecha away from the others both flying at break-neck speed and without warning mecha tried throwing multiple punches but missed all three and metal delivered a roundhouse kick directly to mechas head and struck his torso with both his hands. Mecha then charged up multiple chaos spears and started blindly firing them but metal kept dodging and blocking them.

*hyper metal* gotta try harder than that!

*hyper mecha* I'LL SEND YOU TO HELL!!!

Mecha then formed a massive ball of energy and shot it towards metal

*hyper metal* SHIT!

Metal then formed an energy greatsword and managed to slice the blast into multiple peices


*hyper metal* i just made it up its based off Excalibur.. here HAVE A CLOSER LOOK!!!

Metal then dashed towards mecha holding the sword above his head he went to strike but two spikes formed on mechas arms deflecting the sword. He then tried to stab metal only for metal to grab the spikes and break them off his arms

*hyper mecha* SHIT!!!

*hyper metal* DUMBASS!

Metal then headbutted mecha into the ground but mecha shot back up kicking metal thousands of feat away

*hyper metal* okay get ready for this light speed attack

Just then multiple orbs surrounded metal and he absorbed them and suddenly in the blink of an eye he had dashed over to mecha and delivered a punch with the strength of a planet launching away but he quickly pursued him and when he caught up he started hitting mecha with extremely powerful lightning fast strikes following them up with a jaw shattering uppercut making mecha go higher into the air.

METAL SONICS REDEMPTION Where stories live. Discover now