chapter 23 (the last discovery)

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*metal sonic* hey guys.. im up and I found a way to defeat mecha! Where do I go to meet up


After a bit someone finally answered through the comms

*bolt head* take the elevator at the end of the corridor it'll take you to the ships sky deck we'll meet you there

*metal sonic* awesome! Meet you guys there!

Metal then started walking down the corridor and after a while he reached an elevator he then walked in and pressed a button that said sky deck

*metal sonic* they're gonna think im crazy when i explain this...

After a little while the elevator reached the top and an automated voice said (sky deck reached)

The doors opened and was greater with a massive shiny red layout of floor and multiple lights covered the entire area and golden stairs led to the command deck and to top it off hundreds of massive cannons were laid out on the back of the ship with three or more ships following them

The doors opened and was greater with a massive shiny red layout of floor and multiple lights covered the entire area and golden stairs led to the command deck and to top it off hundreds of massive cannons were laid out on the back of the ship wit...

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*metal sonic* jeez eggman has too much time on his hands-

*eggman* I heard that!

Metal then looked to see eggman bolt head and sonic and tails

*metal sonic* holy shit its awesome to see you guys okay!

*bolt head* like wise when we figured out what that virus was we were so worried!

*metal sonic* what did he say the virus was?

*sonic* he described it as a virus that will slowly eat away at your conscious and when we looked into it it turned out to be a shitty version of the metal virus

The whole area went quiet and then out of nowhere metal just busted out laughing

*tails* WOAH you okay?!

*metal sonic* hehe yeah I'm good trust me I'll explain later but for now I have a question... WHERE DID ALL THESE BATTLE SHIPS COME FROM!?

*sonic* oh yeah apparently after our dark Gaia incident he had them stashed away conveniently near angel island

*metal sonic* WHAT?! your kidding right?!

*eggman* it was either this or dieing a thousand deaths!

*metal sonic* fair enough.. but do you still have the phantom ruby?

*eggman* in a secure case in the captions quarters once this is all over we are all gonna smash it

*metal sonic* with what the past months have shown... thats a big "if" in my eyes

*eggman* yeah I know! Cmon were all meeting in the captains quarters to review the final plan

*metal sonic* well lets go!

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