Welcome To The Jungle...

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The squad moved through the Vietnam jungles, with Y/N leading at the front in his green mission suit.

(This but with a jungle tiger-stripe camo)

(This but with a jungle tiger-stripe camo)

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He had his XM4 at the ready, with Yirina on his right while one of the newest members of the squad, John Price, was on his left. Y/N especially had his head on a swivel, Adlers memory had benefited him by preparing him for this mission. Their objective was to move in on an enemy compound and capture it for the NATO forces. They approached the perimeter of the complex and Y/N gestured to Price to make an entrance, the former SAS soldier used a breach torch to make a 'doorway' in the wire fence, Y/N took the lead and moved in, followed by Yirina, then Price and then another new recruit, Baker. The team had split up into two squads, with The A-Team consisting of Y/N, Yirina, Price, and Baker taking the north & west side of the facility while The B-Team consisting of Hudson, Wolf, Striker, and Another new recruit who was suggested by Park, Harry, would move in on the South & East sides of the complex.

As The A-Team moved in, Hudson and the B-Team made their move, breaching the fence and beginning their assault stealthily. The A-Team went about clearing buildings room by room, making sure that everywhere was clear.

"Flash them." Y/N ordered Baker who nodded and threw a flashbang through the door. Y/N closed the door over again to help avoid the affects of the grenade. As soon as they heard the grenade go off, the A-Team burst through the door and took out six hostiles before they had a chance to attack.

"Clear!" Portnova called out from her segment of the room after she had carried out her search. Price, Y/N, and Baker all followed suit as they finished their check. The squad moved onto the next building, repeating the process, but eventually things went loud, an explosion on the other side of the base set the alarms off, Y/N removed his suppressor and pocketed it in his vest before heading with his team to the next building and carrying out a more guns blazing approach to raiding the building.

"Take the rooms one by one." Y/N ordered as the squad nodded, he kicked the door down and Baker threw a flash grenade into the room.

The squad swooped into the room and took out the three soldiers occupying it in synchronization, making sure to double tap them before moving onto the next room, Portnova peaked through the door and saw a woman being held hostage by the soldiers

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The squad swooped into the room and took out the three soldiers occupying it in synchronization, making sure to double tap them before moving onto the next room, Portnova peaked through the door and saw a woman being held hostage by the soldiers.

"Seven soldiers, they've got a hostage." She told the squad as Y/N thought of a plan.

"Price, Yiri, you two take the room we just cleared, breach the wall one of you wait by the door and count us in until you breach, Baker on our mark throw a stun in there." Y/N said as the team nodded. Yirina went into the previous room and began setting breaching charges while Price waited in the door ready to give a count out.

"Breaching in 3...2...1...go now!"

Baker threw the stun into the room and it went off in synch with the breach, Y/N and Baker took the door while Yirina and Price entered through the door. Y/N took down three hostiles while the rest of the squad took down the rest. As they were freeing the woman Y/N heard footsteps, he turned on his heel and threw a tomahawk into the head of an incoming guard.

"Hostage secured, Baker, stay with her, Price and Yiri, you two with me." Y/N ordered as the quartet was reduced to a trio, they continued moving through the compound clearing the rooms one by one. When the base was cleared the two squads met up at the main building. Hudson arrived and he seemed like he was hiding something from Y/N...more so than usual.

"You find anything?" Y/N asked as Hudsons team glanced to him. Y/N looked to Hudson. "Hand it over."

Hudson hated this, he hated Y/N, he hated everything about him, but he had been given orders that he now worked for Y/N, and to behave, and like the good little soldier that he was, Hudson marched to the melody of the Presidents orders.

Hudson handed him a file, Y/N looked at the file and what he saw disgusted him to his core.

"You were gonna try and keep this from me?!" Y/N snapped as Hudson looked at him blankly from behind his aviator glasses. "The U.S Government kept a sample of NOVA - 6, and they've recently lost it?! Do you have any idea what threat that gas poses if it's out there in the wild?!"

"That was information that was need to know-"

"Our job is to deal with info like this and act on it. We're meant to do what armies can't! We're meant to keep Perseus from winning more than he is, not keep secrets from our team mates! Have you got that?!" Y/N let loss on Hudson. "This is Pendragon to Court Mage, mission success, send in the cavalry. Over."

"Copy that Pendragon, Big Bird is on her way to pick you up now, we'll bring you home, good job out there." The radio operator said as The squads looked up to see two Huey helicopters approaching. The climbed into the choppers and began to fly back to the airport from where their plane would take them back to the U.S for a debrief...

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