Cheat Codes...

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Y/n was following Rivas when Price rushed over.

"Sir, the alarm on Maxis' cell just went off." Price said as Y/N nodded.

"I'll be back soon." Y/N said as he rushed off, leaving an angered Rivas, she would have to adapt her plan to this complication.

Meanwhile Y/N was rushing to Maxis' cell alongside Price.

"Does anyone else know about what Maxis said on the plane?" Y/N asked as Price shook his head.

"If they do sir, they didn't hear it from me." Price stated as they arrived at the cell, it looked perfectly fine, Y/N looked around. "Guards get this door open!"

"Sir you don't have clearance to go in th-" The guard was cut off by Y/N drawing his pistol on him and taking aim.

"That was an order soldier, open the fucking door." Y/N said flatly as the soldier opened the door, Maxis was sat there, but Y/N noticed the walls were lined with some strange material.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"The alarm went off, was that you?" Y/N said as Maxis shook he head. As the cell door shut again Y/N and Price were walking away, both were confused as to why the alarm went off. The guards spoke up.

"Point a gun at me again, I won't care who you are, I'll fucking kill you." The guard said as Y/N looked at him.

"Cunt...Next time you make me point a gun at you I won't hesitate to blow your fucking brains out." Y/N said stoically as the soldier looked at him and retired back to his post.

Y/N returned to see a note on his desk, it was telling him to go to the locker room. As he walked to the locker room he heard talking and then the sound of a kiss, as Y/N walked into the locker room he saw Rivas with her hand in Yirina's pants moving, Yirina looked shocked as Y/N looked at them and left with Yirina shoving Rivas away and leaving, she would have shot Rivas there and then but she was more concerned about Y/N, she tried to catch up to him but Y/N had already locked his door.

He poured himself a glass of whisky, and drank it, he began thinking to himself as Portnova knocked on the door.


"No! I need to think." Y/N said as he he looked to the photo of him and Yirina on their first date after joining the CIA. Yirina walked away as she heard him shouting and slam his hands on his desk. "FUCK!"

Everyone but Price flinched at the sound of Y/N roaring.

For the next few days Y/N was cold to everyone, Portnova tried to talk to him but he wasn't having any of it. Price was the only one allowed into his office, they would be seen talking at length about something, the rare occasions Y/N stepped out of his office he were when he was going to question Maxis, or when he was getting some food, or using the bathroom.

"Sir, you need to talk to her." Price said as Y/N shook his head.

"I can't John, not right now."

"Sir, this thing is effecting the team, you need to get it together fast, from what Park says they could use some help on the Verdansk operation." Price said as Y/N sighed.

"Get a team together and send them backup. You and MacMillan should be good enough to get Zakhaev when he rears his head again." Y/N said as Price nodded.

"What about Portnova and Rivas?"

"Take Portnova if you want, Rivas too." Y/N said as he checked his watch.

"Understood Sir." Price said as he stood up, saluted, and left the office, leaving Y/N with a glass of whisky on the desk, he pinched the bridge of his nose from exhaustion and stress as he took a deep breath.

" Price said as he stood up, saluted, and left the office, leaving Y/N with a glass of whisky on the desk, he pinched the bridge of his nose from exhaustion and stress as he took a deep breath

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"Fucking hell." Y/N remarked to himself as he gulped down the last of the whisky in his glass, letting the silence envelope him as a small comfort and escape from his life...

Right or Wrong² [Male Reader x Yirina Portnova]Where stories live. Discover now