Who Are You?

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Maxis was woken from her sleep by the door to her interrogation room opening and a bag being ripped off her head, she looked up at her captors.

"So, want to explain why Perseus is protecting you?" Y/N asked as Portnova circled Maxis. "You were found under the protection of a soviet war criminal, so right now we have execute authority, my beautiful redhead friend here, she knows every possible way to get information out of someone, every possible torture method, she's an expert on it. So I'd start talking if I were you."

"You're not me."

"No but right now, I'm your best chance at staying alive, you talk and maybe, just maybe, I can help you stay alive long enough to get out of prison, I can make your life easier, or I can make your life so shit, your first thought every morning will be 'how can I top myself today?'." Y/N said as he looked her in the eyes.

"I'm not saying anything." Maxis said as Y/N smiled and nodded.

"All yours Yiri. Have fun, I'm going to call the boss and tell him we're on our way back to the US." Y/N said as he stepped out of the room, he turned and took one look at Maxis and then Portnova. "Don't fuck her up too badly, we need her alive for the boss."

The next day, Y/N's group were on a plane back to America, with Y/N sitting opposite Maxis, hit hand was resting on his pistol as he glared at the woman.

"You've still got time to talk, I can put in a good word for you." Y/N said as Maxis looked at him.

"I'll pass."

"suit yourself." Y/N said for a moment before thinking of a way to rattle Maxis' loyalty to Perseus. "Do you know what Perseus does? He sells young girls, from babies to pre pubescent girls, kills their family, and sells them to people who torture them, kill them, train them to be the ultimate soldier and spy, when these girls reach a certain age, they're forcibly sterilized, Red Room surgeons give them an involuntary hysterectomy, and Perseus, he knows about all that, yet he still sells those girls. That's the kind of man that you're comfortable working with?"

"You're lying." Maxis said with wide eyes as Y/N shook his head.

"I'm not, Portnova, she went through the Red Room, she was one of those girls

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"I'm not, Portnova, she went through the Red Room, she was one of those girls." Y/N said as Maxis looked at him she could see a cold dead look in his eyes. "Tell me everything you know and I can help you."

"Oh my god." Maxis said in shock at the revelation.

"There is god, and there is us lot, and believe me we are much closer at hand on this mortal world." Y/N said stone cold. "Last chance, talk."

"I-I was using Perseus to find my sons."

"We can help you find them." Y/N said as Maxis looked at him. "Tell me their names, and we can have them brought to see you."

"I've already found one." Maxis said as Y/N looked at her.

"What's his name?"

"Y/N L/N. You're my son." Maxis said as Y/N looked at her, he looked into her eyes and could see honest to god truthfulness in them. "I'm not lying. Y/N L/N, born 15/06/1949, four years after your brother, Mother disappeared in 1950, father died 1955, brother disappeared 1965, went to school with Yirina Portnova."

"LT, can you take watch." Y/N said as Price nodded. Y/N walked away to the bathroom on the plane and washed his face in the sink.

When the plane landed, Y/N escorted Maxis to the drop off location along with the rest of the team, Portnova looked at him, he looked conflicted, like he had something on his mind. Richtophen was waiting for them and Maxis eyes went wide.

"No, please, I'll tell you anything, just don't leave me with him." Maxis begged as Y/N looked at her. He handed her over to Richtophen.

"I have some questions to ask her still, so if you plan on killing her, hold off."

"What rank are you L/N?"

"My rank is: The one with the gun." Y/N answered. "Just fucking keep her alive, or rank won't matter, cause I'll kill you and make it seem justified."

Richtophen left with Maxis who looked confused by Y/N's words, she looked over her shoulder at Y/N who got into a car with his team.

When Y/N and the team returned to their HQ, he walked to his office and poured himself a glass of whisky. As he necked the whisky down, Rivas walked in.

"Sir we've found some intel on Maxis. You should come and see this." Rivas said as Y/N finished his drink and nodded.

"All right, lead the way." Y/N said as he followed Rivas...

Right or Wrong² [Male Reader x Yirina Portnova]Where stories live. Discover now