"Who The Hell is Maxis?"

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Y/N was in his office when Portnova knocked on the door.

"It's open." Y/N said as he continued to type away on his computer as Yirina walked in. She sat on his desk and leant down, kissing him on the lips for a moment before she broke the kiss and smiled.

"I've brought you a present." Yirina said as she put a file on the table.

"You know for I minute I was hoping it would be a present involving you in sexy lingerie, and a five star hotel room." Y/N quipped as Portnova smiled at him.

"Only on birthdays." Portnova said with a cheeky grin.

"I thought that was you offering ana-"

"Not another word or that present is off limits." Portnova said sternly but with her playful smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am. Now let's see what my present is...who the hell is Maxis?" Y/N asked as Portnova smiled at him.

"Come with me, Weaver is the one who should explain that." Portnova said as she stood up from Y/N's desk, with her boyfriend following her through the corridors of their facility and to Weavers office. As Y/N and Yirina walked into the office they were welcomed by the sight of a man in a suit who looked like he was important and also Weaver.

 As Y/N and Yirina walked into the office they were welcomed by the sight of a man in a suit who looked like he was important and also Weaver

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"Ah, L/N, Portnova, you're both here. Welcome." The man said in a German accent.

"Sir?" Y/N asked as the man looked at him.

"Edward. My friends call me Eddie. So your unit is the one that found the photo of Maxis?" Edward said.

"Yes sir." Y/N said formally as he looked between Edward and Weaver. There was a long pause as everyone present in the room thought for a moment.

"Tell me, what do you know about her?" Edward asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Nothing besides her name and that Perseus is looking for her, sir." Y/N said as Edward looked to Weaver.

"Maxis has capabilities beyond anything you have ever imagined, if Perseus gets his hands on her and manages to turn her to his cause, it could spell disaster for us all." Edward said as Y/N looked at him quizzically. "I want you to find Maxis, and when you find her bring her in, dead or alive, but she cannot, under any circumstances fall into enemy hands, understood?"

"Yes sir, we'll get on this immediately, sir." Y/N said as he went to leave.

"L/N, I've put my faith in you on this, a privilege I don't bestow often...don't fuck me on this." Edward said as Y/N nodded and left with Portnova, as they walked away Y/N shook his head.

"Pretentious cunt." Y/N scoffed. Portnova looked at him and smirked.

"Come on, let's get to work, best not give him a reason to be even more of an cyka towards us." Portnova said as Y/N nodded and followed her.

Hours later, Y/N was working with the entire analytics team to find Maxis. He was calling up contacts and sending them descriptions of Maxis, all while making sure that everyone was ready if they found her.

Park stepped into Y/N's office and approached him. She could see he was driven in his work, he always was, give him an objective and he'll complete it. She knew that he saw the work as a chance to "redeem" himself for his past "failures", she knew how important it was for Y/N to take back the countries invaded by Perseus, to fight against him, she couldn't bring herself to put that work at risk, if she told Y/N, she knew he would hang up his work life and help raise the kid, he was too good for her, and she knew it.

"Something I can help you with Helen?" Y/N asked as Park smiled.

"Sir, I've found a lead on another operation, I'm requesting authorization to task a team to look into it." Park said as Y/N thought about it for a moment.

"Where is it?"


"Verdansk?!-" Y/N exclaimed as he stood from his chair in shock.

"Shh! Keep your bloody voice down!" Park whisper yelled as Y/N took a breath and sat down.

"Verdansk?! Are you taking the piss? Park that's Perseus base of operations, the Lions Den, and you want to send a team in there? What for?"

"We found out that one of the Greenlight nukes is under Verdansk, if we can retrieve it we can find a way to reverse the control Perseus has on the rest, we neutralize his control over Europe and weaken his forces, after that, the worlds your oyster, start a revolution against him and take back Europe until Perseus is nothing but a distant memory." Park said as Y/N thought about it for a moment.

"Fine. put together your team roster and get it to me by next week, requisition list as well." Y/N said as Park nodded, she went to give him a peck on the cheek but Y/N moved his head away from her. 

"Park." He warned in a stern tone as she smirked.

"I love making you squirm sometimes, even though I know you're taken." Park said as she left the office, stepping next door into hers own office. Y/N turned on the radio and listened as Psycho Killer -- by Talking Heads  began to play from the radio. 

He poured himself a whisky and closed the blinds on his office windows and doors, locking the door and opening his draw and pulling out a file. He opened it and looked at the contents before looking at a photo of him, Yirina, and Park when the team was first created, he stared at Park in the image before turning to the file again and drinking his whisky and continuing to look through the contents of the folder...

Right or Wrong² [Male Reader x Yirina Portnova]Where stories live. Discover now