Office job...

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Y/N returned to the office floor of his units compound, he was walking through the office as analysts typed away on their computers, he saw his own separate office in-between two others, the one on his left belonging to Yirina Portnova, his girlfriend, and the other belonging to Helen A. Park. He was wearing a dark navy blue polo shirt with the buttons undone, a pair of dark brown pants and some work shoes, he had his ID badge on a lanyard around his neck and a black Hamilton Khaki field watch.

 He was wearing a dark navy blue polo shirt with the buttons undone, a pair of dark brown pants and some work shoes, he had his ID badge on a lanyard around his neck and a black Hamilton Khaki field watch

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Yirina was in her office going through some paperwork while Park was pacing around her office nervously. Y/N was concerned, she was acting jumpy, and had been since the Red Rooms destruction.

'I should check in on Park when I'm finished getting the reports in off Yiri.' Y/N thought to himself as he walked over to Yirina's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." She called through the door. Y/N walked in and Yirina smiled at his arrival. "Oh, hello sweetie."

"Hello dear. Hudson wants those reports, he's on my arse about them for some reason. What a fucking cunt." Y/N said as Portnova looked at him and smiled before leaning in and kissing him.

"Did that calm those nerves of yours?" Yiri asked as Y/N smiled at her.

"Yeah, do you need any stress relieved?" Y/N asked as Yirina smirked and pulled him in for a kiss. They began to make out but were interrupted when the door opened and Hudson walked in.

"Bell have you got those report- jesus fucking christ! Not on the desk."

"It's my desk you baldy asshat, I can do whatever I want on it." Yirina said as Hudson mumbled something to himself before walking out of the room.

"Told you, he's a right twat." Y/N muttered as he resumed making out with Yirina, sliding his hand into her pants and pleasuring her while they made out.

"I've known that since first meeting him sweetie." Yiri said as Y/N smirked and moved his lips down to Yirina's neck to give her a hickey.

Some time later when they were finished Y/N and Portnova fixed themselves up and headed off to do their separate thing. Y/N headed to Parks office and knocked on the door, Helen opened it.

"May I come in?" Y/N asked as Park smirked.

"You did that in the Photo development room at the Berlin safehouse in 81 just before Cuba." Park joked as Y/N raised his brow at her, she gestured for him to come in. Y/N shut the door and leant against the wall.

"Okay, I'm going to dispense with the sweet talk bollocks and ask the question. What's going on with you?" Y/N asked as Park looked at him with an innocent smile that he used to be unable to resist. "Stop with the smile, it doesn't work anymore, you know that."

"I'm fine, why?"

"You pace your office almost every time I go on and get back from a mission, you've developed compulsions, cravings, I've seen some mood swings as well." Y/N said as Park smiled at him.

"I'm fine. I'm right as rain."

"Rain is not right, it's a pain in the ass." Y/N said as Park smirked at his somewhat childish response.

"I'm fine, I promise, if anything was the matter, you and Portnova would be the first to know." Park said as Y/N was still sceptical but relented.

"All right, just don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything wrong." Y/N said as Park smiled at him.

"I will, don't worry." Park said as Y/N left, going to his own office and sitting down, turning on a small radio in his room as he booted up his work computer, before he could get into the work however, a knock came at the door.

"Come in." Y/N called out as the door opened and in walked Price and a blonde woman. "Price, and you must be Rivas, yes?"

"Yes sir." Rivas answered as Y/N nodded.

"Well, as you know this team is one of the highest authorities in the land, second only to god if he's out there somewhere, we operate in the shadows, the president doesn't even know the full extent of what happens her. We operate to bring down Perseus and his team and free Europe from their control. That's the basic rundown. Price here will put you through the training and such, making sure that you're up to the task, when he clears you you'll be available for the mission roster. The checks are regular everyone has to do them every now and then and when they come back from injuries so don't worry, you should get used to it pretty quick. Other than that, welcome to the team, Rivas."

"Thank you sir, I won't let you down." Rivas said as Y/N smiled and nodded. Both Price and Rivas left, leaving Y/N to his work, tracking down any leads that could give them a new target associated with Perseus' web of allies...

Right or Wrong² [Male Reader x Yirina Portnova]Where stories live. Discover now