Berlin control zone, 1984

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Y/N, Portnova, Price, and Rivas were in the safehouse in Berlin, they had infiltrated the city with no incident. Y/N was setting up in his office as he looked around, he remembered being here in 1981, with Adler. Price and Portnova knew about his 'condition' and were making sure to keep an eye on him for if he had any flashbacks or episodes.

As he was setting up, Y/N looked around his office and remembered being strapped to a gurney and forced to relive the same mission over and over again, he remembered the heartbreak he felt when he found the truth about Park and his so-called friends. He looked out the window to the photo development room and remembered when he and Park made love in there, he looked to Yirina on the radios listening in and remembered talking to Park when she sat in that exact chair. He looked to the evidence board and immediately remembered Adler, a memory of something that never happened flashed into Y/N's mind, if felt like he remembered it clear as day, but he knew for a fact that the events in the memory never happened, there were holes in them to say the least.

 He looked to the evidence board and immediately remembered Adler, a memory of something that never happened flashed into Y/N's mind, if felt like he remembered it clear as day, but he knew for a fact that the events in the memory never happened, ...

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"We have a job to do." Adlers voice echoed in Y/N's head. 

Y/N shook his head and took a breath, Price noticed and approached Portnova.

"You might want to check up on him, I think he's just had an episode or something." Price said as Portnova nodded.

"Keep an eye on the radio for me. Yeah?" Portnova said as she stood up and walked into Y/N's office. "You just had a flashback, didn't you?"

Y/N sighed.

"Yes, well, sort of. It was a memory, but it was of something that never happened. It was like a waking nightmare or something." Y/N said as Portnova nodded.

"Describe it, we need a note in the journal to show our resident expert when we get back to HQ." Portnova said as Y/N took a breath.

"We were on an island, I think it was Solovetsky, Adler called me a hero, said that he just needed one more sacrifice from me, we both drew our guns on one another and fired at the same time, then that was it." Y/N explained as Portnova hummed and nodded.

"And that's all?" Portnova said as she took notes down into a notebook.

"Yes." Y/N said as Portnova finished her notes and put the book in her pocket.

"Okay, tell me if anything else happens, or if I'm not here, talk to Price." Yirina said as Y/N nodded.

"Will do." Y/N said as he pulled out a folder of evidence, he went out to the evidence board and began setting up the layout, Price watched the boy at work, their mind was evidently racing as he used every piece of evidence at his disposal to work out the approximate location of Maxis. Price was in charge of weapon procurement and getting contacts for the team if they were needed. Portnova was in charge of listening to the radio chatter and getting information from the enemy radios, Rivas was in charge of keeping the perimeter safe and Y/N was in charge of keeping the team together, and cracking any code that Portnova found for him, neither of witch was much of a challenge, he was the one responsible for creating the codes used by Perseus and when assessed in the field, Park, Price, and Weaver all stated that Y/N was a natural born leader. 

As Y/N was going through the evidence one last time to be sure of his results, he noticed Rivas glancing at Portnova who was just ignoring the looks and getting her work done, Price also picked up on this. When Y/N was finished he turned to Price.

"Mind if we have a talk?" Y/N said as Price nodded. He lead him into his office and closed the doors and blinds.

"I'm guessing this is about the look between Rivas and Portnova?" Price said as Y/N nodded.

"Partly, I'll get that out of the way first. I want you to keep an eye on that situation, keep me posted on it. Second, in any event of me being unfit to lead or worst case, my death, you lead the squad, Portnova gets the entire department."

"Sir?" John asked as Y/N looked at him.

"You heard. I want you in charge of the squad if I am unable to lead or if I am dead. Portnova is my successor in leading the entire department." Y/N said as Price.

"What's got you like this?"

"John, this is the fucking CIA, they're a nest of snakes in the grass, in fact that's an insult to snakes, I trust them as far as I can throw them, they have plenty of reasons to want me dead, so I'm making sure that if I do go, at least someone I trust is prepared for it." Y/N said as Price looked at him. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Price said calmly.

"until the right time, this conversation doesn't leave this room, understand?"

"Yes sir." John said as Y/N nodded.

"Good man. Now, I've got Maxis approximate location, so get yourself prepped." Y/N said as Price nodded and stepped outside. "Everyone prepare to head out, we've got an approximate location on Maxis!"

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